Prof Chun Shen (OSU PhD 2014) awarded 2019 IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Nuclear Physics
Professor Chun Shen, an Assistant Professor of Physics at Wayne State University who holds an Adjunct Assistant Professor appointment in our Department and is also a RIKEN fellow at Brookhaven…
Legacy of Bunny Clark featured in ASC Women's History Month feature
Bunny Clark, OSU's first woman faculty member in the department of Physics, is among the women featured by the College of Arts and Sciences in their tribute to Women's History month. The…
Celebrate International Women's day and the first woman PhD in Physics at OSU
Friday March 8, is International Women's Day. We have discovered that the first woman PhD at OSU Physics was Katherine M Weimer (pictured). Katherine received her PhD in 1943 under…
Dr. Steven Prohira named OSU President's Postdoctoral Scholar
The Ohio State University recently named 10 young researchers as the 2019 cohort of President's Postdoctoral Scholars. Physics is fortunate to have Steven Prohira among their number.
Work of Professor John Beacom and his collaborators featured in NATURE
The research of Prof John Beacom and his collaborators at the Super-Kamiokande neutrino observatory is highlighted in a February 27, 2019 news article in NATURE. Of special note is that…
OSU Physics grad, Kaden Hazzard, wins NSF CAREER Award as Assistant Professor at Rice University
Kaden Hazzard, Assistant Proferssor at Rice University and 2004 OSU graduate in Physics, has been awarded a five year NSF CAREER Award to study new simulations to advance ultracold physics. …
Physicist and K2 level climber, Bruce Normand, to speak on his adventures in mountaineering
Bruce Normand from Paul Scherrer Institute is visiting OSU Physics to present a Quantum Matter Seminar Wednesday, February 27 at 10 am titled "What's the Fuss about RuCI3?" Physics is not…
Prof. Nandini Trivedi named 2019 OSU Distinguished Scholar at surprise visit
Professor Nandini Trivedi was surprised today at the department faculty meeting by an entourage from the administration announcing that she is the recipient of a 2019 Distinguished Scholar Award.…
Prof. Dongping Zhong named President of International Organization for Chinese Physicists and Astronomers (OCPA)
Dongping Zhong, Robert Smith Professor of Physics and Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Ohio State has recently been named President of the OCPA (International Organization of Chinese…