Concentration Requirements

The B.S. in Engineering Physics is a degree conferred by the College of Engineering and is managed by the Department of Physics.

Core Requirements

Required Physics: 42-43 semester hours

  • Physics 1270-1271 or 1250-1251 or 1250H-1251H or 1260-1261 (Introductory Physics sequence)
  • Physics 2300-2301 (Intermediate Mechanics I & II)
  • Physics 2095 (Physics Seminar)
  • Physics 5400 (Intermediate Electricity & Magnetism)
  • Physics 5500 (Quantum Mechanics)
  • Physics 3700 (Data Analysis Lab)
  • Physics 4700 (Electronics Lab)
  • Physics 5800-5801 (Engineering Physics Capstone Design Sequence)
  • Physics Elective (3470, 5261, 5300, 5401H, 5501, 5501H, 5600, 5680, or 68xx)

Required Math - Please complete one of the following sequences

  • Math 1151-1172-2173-2174
  • Math 1151-1152-2153-2415-2568
  • Math 1161-2162-2415-2568
  • Math 1181H-2182H-2415-2568
  • Math 4181H-4182H-5520H

    **If you are pursuing the ECE concentration, it is recommended you take Math 2415 and 2568 instead of 2174 since they are prerequisites to several ECE courses.

College requirements: 32 semester hours

  • 24 semester hours of General Education (GE) courses.
  • Engineering 1100 (Engineering Survey)
  • One of the following introductory engineering and programming sequences
    • Engineering 1181-1182 plus a programming course (Astronomy 1221, CSE 1222, CSE 1223, CSE 1224, or Engr 1221). Note that CSE 1222 should be chosen by students pursuing the CSE or ECE specializations.
    • Engineering 1281H-1282H

Targeted Electives
At least 9 semester hours of Targeted Electives are required.  These electives can be any additional math, physics, or engineering course.  These electives must be 2000 level or above and they cannot be double counted toward any other requirement.  These courses must be Physics, Math, or Engineering courses.  Astronomy and Statistics courses, though related, cannot count.

Additional information about this elective category can be found on the engineering physics targeted electives page.

Engineering Technical Electives: 27 semester hours
These are the courses you'll take toward your engineering specialization within Engineering Physics.  At least 27 hours of Engineering Technical Electives are required, such that they form a coherent sequence involving both laboratory and design experience in a specific engineering specialization. The list of courses required for each specialization are given in the tables below.

Specialization Options

As mentioned above, the technical electives in Engineering Physics are grouped in a coherent sequence of 8 specializations, according to the particular sub-field. The specializations are:

  • Aeronautical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Industrial Systems Engineering
  • Materials Science and Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Nuclear Engineering

Aeronautical Engineering
click here for a prerequisite flowchart 

Aerospace Engineering Specialization Requirements


Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering Specialization Requirements


Computer Science and Engineering

CSE Specialization Requirements

* The enrollment of these courses is controlled by the CSE advising office. To enroll, please add yourself to the waitlist for the section you want and then send an email to to let them know which class you've waitlisted and they will help you with the rest.  Be sure to mention in your email that you are an Engineering Physics major.


Electrical and Computer Engineering

ECE Specialization Requirements


Industrial Systems Engineering

ISE Specialization Requirements


Materials Science and Engineering

MSE Specialization Prerequisites

Mechanical Engineering

ME Specialization Prerequisites


Nuclear Engineering

NE Specialization Prerequisites