Physics Courses

Undergraduate Courses 


Physics 1103

World of Energy: Forces, Electricity, Magnetism, Machines

3 credits

An examination of the physical concepts related to energy, including force, electricity, magnetism, and motors. Uses the hands-on discovery mode of instruction. Intended for non-science majors.
Prereq:  Not open to students with credit for 103. NS Admis Cond course. GE nat sci physical course.

Physics 1104

World of Energy: Light, Thermodynamics, Energy Sources

3 credits

An examination of the various forms of energy and energy production with its personal and global impact.  Uses the hands-on discovery mode of instruction. Intended for non-science majors.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 104. NS Admis Cond course. GE nat sci physical course.

Physics 1106.01

Physics by Inquiry: Properties of Matter, Heat and Temperature, and Forces and Motion

5 credits

Investigation of the properties of matter, motion and thermodynamics using the inquiry technique.  Intended for non-science majors.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for Physics 106 and 107. NS Admis Cond course. GE nat sci physical course

Physics 1106.02

Physics by Inquiry: Properties of Matter, Heat and Temperature, and Forces and Motion

5 credits

Investigation of the properties of matter, motion and thermodynamics using the inquiry technique.  Intended for non-science majors, especially those contemplating a teaching career.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 106 and 107. NS Admis Cond course. GE nat sci physical course.

Physics 1107.01

Physics by Inquiry: Circuits, Light and Optics, and Astronomy

5 credits

Investigation of the properties of electricity and circuits, light, optics with applications to real-world phenomena such as astronomy using the inquiry technique.  Intended for non-science majors.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 107 and 108. NS Admis Cond course. GE nat sci physical course.

Physics 1107.02

Physics by Inquiry: Circuits, Light and Optics, and Astronomy

5 credits

Investigation of the properties of electricity and circuits, light, optics with applications to real-world phenomena such as astronomy using the inquiry technique.  Intended for non-science majors, especially those contemplating a teaching career.
Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 107 and 108. NS Admis Cond course.  GE nat sci physical course.

Physics 1110

The Physics of Sports

3 credits

This course examines the physics behind athletics.  A wide variety of sports and topics are covered, including the forces exerted in a football tackle, the aerodynamics of a curve ball, and the power of a tennis serve.  This course assumes the student has a basic understanding of algebra.  Intended for non-science majors.
Prereq: Math 075 or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 110. NS Admis Cond course. GE nat sci physical course.

Physics 1199

Preparation for Physics: Elementary Concepts and Math Methods for Mechanics

2 credits

Elementary concepts of mechanics and math methods of physics for students with little or no prior physics experience. Recommended for students with little or no prior physics experience.
Prereq: Math 1148 or eligibility for Math 1149.

Physics 1200

Mechanics, Kinematics, Fluids, Waves

5 credits

Algebra-based introduction to classical physics: Newtons laws, fluids, waves.

Prereq: A grade of C- or above in Math 1148 (148), or Math Placement Level M. Not open to students with credit for 111. This course is available for EM credit. GE nat sci phys course. NS Admis Cond course.

Questions about this course should be directed to the course manager, Dr. Parisa Roustazadeh.

Physics 1201

E&M, Optics, Modern Physics

5 credits

Algebra-based introduction to electricity and magnetism, simple optics, overview of modern physics including special relativity and quantum mechanics.
Prereq: 1200 (111). Not open to students with credit for 112. This course is available for EM credit. NS Admis Cond course. GE nat sci physical course.

Questions about this course should be directed to the course manager, Dr. Parisa Roustazadeh

Physics 1250

Mechanics, Thermal Physics, Waves

5 credits

Calculus-based introduction to classical physics: Newton's laws, fluids, thermodynamics, waves; for students in physical sciences, mathematics, and engineering.
Prereq: 1 entrance unit of physics or chem. Coreq: Math 1151 or higher; or written permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 131. This course is available for EM credit. NS Admis Cond course. GE nat sci physical course.

Questions about this course should be directed to the course manager, Dr. Michael Ziegler.

Physics 1250H

Honors Physics: Mechanics and Conservation Laws; Special Relativity

5 credits

In depth study of classical mechanics including Newton's laws, conservation laws, and  introduction to special relativity.
Prereq: Honors status or permission of instructor. Coreq: Math 1151 or higher. Not open to students with credit for 131. NS Admis Cond course. GE nat sci physical course.

Questions about this course should be directed to Ms. Lindsey Thaler.

Offered autumn semester

Physics 1251

E&M, Optics, Modern Physics

5 credits

Calculus-based introduction to electricity and magnetism, simple optics, modern physics including special relativity and quantum mechanics; for students in physical sciences, mathematics, engineering.
Prereq: Physics 1250 (131) or Physics1260 or 1250H; and Math 1151 or higher; or written permission of instructor. Concur: Math 1152.  Not open to students with credit for 132. This course is available for EM credit. NS Admis Cond course. GE nat sci physical course.

Questions about this course should be directed to the course manager, Dr. Michael Ziegler.

Physics 1251H

Honors Physics: Electricity and Magnetism; Thermal Physics, Waves, and Quantum Physics

5 credits

Calculus-based introduction to electricity and magnetism, simple optics, modern physics including special relativity and quantum mechanics; for students in physical sciences, mathematics, engineering.
Prereq: 1250 (131) or 1260 or 1250H; and Math 1251 or higher; or written permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 132. This course is available for EM credit. NS Admis Cond course. GE nat sci physical course.

Questions about this course should be directed to Ms. Lindsey Thaler.

Offered spring semester.

Physics 1260

FEH Physics: Mechanics, Thermal Physics, Waves

5 credits

Calculus-based introduction to classical physics: Newton's laws, fluids, thermodynamics, waves.  Emphasizes group work; for students in Fundamentals of Engineering Honors.
Prereq: 1 entrance unit of physics or chem. Concur: Math 1151. Not open to students with credit for 131. This course is available for EM credit. NS Admis Cond course. GE nat sci physical course.

Questions about this course should be directed to Dr. Richard Freuler.

Offered autumn semester

Physics 1261

FEH Physics: E&M, Optics, Modern Physics

5 credits

Calculus-based introduction to electricity and magnetism, simple optics, modern physics including special relativity and quantum mechanics.  Emphasizes group work; for students in Fundamentals of Engineering Honors.
Prereq: 1260, Math 1151. Not open to students with credit for 132. This course is available for EM credit. NS Admis Cond course. GE nat sci physical course.

Questions about this course should be directed to Dr. Richard Freuler.

Offered spring semester

Physics 2095

Introductory Physics Seminar

1 credit.

Introduction to departmental research programs and to selected topics of interest in contemporary physics.
Prereq: 1251 (131) or 1251H. Not open to students with credit for 295. This course is graded S/U.

Offered autumn semester only.  Mondays 11:30am-12:25pm.

Physics 2193

Individual Studies

1-5 credits

Designed to give a properly qualified student opportunity for independent reading, study, or laboratory work in a specialized field of interest.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 20 cr hrs or 5 completions. This course is graded S/U.

Physics 2194

Group Studies

1-5 credits

Group Studies.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 20 cr hrs or 4 completions.

Physics 2300

Intermediate Mechanics I

4 credits

Vectors and kinematics; foundations of Newtonian mechanics; momentum, work, and energy; conservative and nonconservative forces; potentials; angular cmomentum; rotation about a fixed axis; rigid body motion; noninertial systems and fictitious forces.
Prereq: C+ or higher in Physics 1251 or 1251H or 1261. Students must also take Math 2153 (or 2173 or 2162 or 2182H) before or at the same time as Physics 2300.

Offered autumn semester only. Two sections available: TuWThF 10:20-11:15am and TuWThF 11:30am-12:25pm.

Physics 2301

Intermediate Mechanics II; Mathematical Physics

4 credits

The special theory of relativity; relativistic kinematics; relativistic momentum and energy.  Introduction to quantum systems; photons; the Bohr atom; matter waves.
Prereq: C+ or better in 2300. Not open to students with credit for 262 or 263.

Offered spring semester only.  MTuWThF 11:30am-12:25pm.

Physics 2367

Uses of Science in Solving Problems of Society

3 credits

Energy, environment, and the arms race are examined using the methods of science; focuses on interaction of science and technology; and social and ethical implications of choices.
Prereq: Math Placement S or higher; 1 5-hr 100-level or 1000-level course in either Astron, BioSci, Chem, GeolSci, or Physics; first writing course or equiv. NS Admis Cond course. GE writing and comm course: level 2 and GE nat sci physical course.

Physics 3201H


3 credits

The basic technique of 3D image making; construction of a diode laser and use of this device to make holograms.
Prereq: Enrollment in honors program or permission of dept or of instructor. Not open to students with credit for Art 3201H. Repeatable to a maximum of 12 cr hrs. Cross-listed in Art.

Currently only offered autumn semester.  Spring semester offering depends on demand.

Physics 3470


3 credits

Introduces students to the fundamentals of modern optics. Topics will include Maxwell's equations, reflection & refraction, interference & diffraction, lasers and optical imaging.
Prereq: Physics 1251 or 1251H or 1261.

Offered spring semester. Class times vary by instructor.

Physics 3700

Experimental Physics Instrumentation and Data Analysis Lab

3 credits

Introduction to the experimental techniques of physics and the statistical analysis of data, through lectures and a variety of experiments.
Prereq: Physics 1251 or 1251H or 1261; and CSE 1222 or CSE 1223 or Engineering 1281H or Astronomy 1221.

Offered autumn and spring semesters. Offerering during summer term depends on demand. Lectures are Mondays 10:20-11:15am, lab is M, Tu, or Th 1pm-5pm.

Physics 4193

Individual Studies

1-5 credits

Designed to give a properly qualified student opportunity for independent reading, study, or laboratory work in a specialized field of interest.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 15 cr hrs or 3 completions. This course is graded S/U.

Physics 4194

Group Studies

1-5 credits

Group Studies.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 15 cr hrs or 3 completions.

Physics 4700

Introductory Electronics For Physics

3 credits

Intermediate level introduction to electronic circuits, devices, and instrumentation with emphasis on laboratory experience.
Prereq: Physics 1251 or 1251H or 1261.

Offered autumn and spring semesters. Lectures are Mondays 9:10-11:15am, lab is either TuTh 12:40-2:45pm or WF 12:40-2:45pm.

Physics 4998

Undergraduate Research in Physics

1-5 credits

Undergraduate research or creative activities in various topics.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 15 cr hrs or 3 completions.  This course is graded A-E.

Offered autumn semester, spring semester, and summer term.

Physics 4998H

Honors Undergraduate Research in Physics

1-5 credits

Undergraduate research or creative activities in various topics; no thesis.
Prereq: Honors standing, and permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 15 cr hrs or 3 completions.  This courses is graded A-E.

Offered autumn semester, spring semester, and summer term.

Physics 4999

Thesis Undergraduate Research in Physics

1-5 credits

Undergraduate research or creative activities in various topics; culminating in a thesis.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 15 cr hrs or 3 completions. This courses is graded A-E.

Offered autumn semester, spring semester, and summer term.

Physics 4999H

Honors Thesis Undergraduate Research in Physics

1-5 credits

Undergraduate research or creative activities in various topics; culminating in a thesis.
Prereq: Honors standing, and permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 15 cr hrs or 3 completions.This courses is graded A-E.

Offered autumn semester, spring semester, and summer term.

Undergraduate / Graduate Courses  


Physics 5100

Physics for In-Service Teachers

1-10 credits

Designed to deepen teachers' understanding of basic physical concepts and methods of treatment of selected topics, includes lectures, discussions, demonstrations, and individualized lab work.
Prereq: 10 cr hrs in Physics, and teaching experience, and permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 20 cr hrs or 20 completions.

Physics 5300

Theoretical Mechanics

4 credits

Development of Lagrangian mechanics, inertia and stress tensors, rigid body rotations and introduction to the mechanics of continuous media.

Prereq: C+ or higher in Physics 2301;  Credit for Math 2174 or Math 2415 or Math 2255 or Math 5520H.

Textbook(s):  Classical Mechanics, ISBN: 9781891389221, Author, Taylor, Publisher: University Science Books. 

Offered spring semester. TuWeThFr 9:10am - 10:05am.

Physics 5400

Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism

4 credits.

Introduction to the description of electrostatic fields; dielectrics; boundary-value problems; magnetic fields of steady currents; induction; Maxwell's equations; plane waves.

Prereq: C+ or higher in Physics 2301;  Credit for Math 2174 or Math 2415 or Math 2255 or Math 5520H.

Textbook(s):  Introduction to Electrodynamics, ISBN: 9780321856562, Author: Griffiths, Publisher: Pearson.

Offered spring semester.  TuWeThF 10:20am - 11:15am

Physics 5400H

Honors Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism I

4 credits.

Advanced treatment of electrostatic fields; dielectrics; boundary-value problems.  magnetic fields of steady currents; induction; Maxwell's equations; plane waves.

Prereq: Honors standing or permission of instructor; C+ or higher in Physics 2301;  Credit for Math 2174 or Math 2415 or Math 2255 or Math 5520H.

Textbook(s):  Introduction to Electrodynamics, ISBN: 9780321856562, Author: Griffiths, Publisher: Pearson.

Offered autumn semester. TuWeThFr 10:20am-11:15am

Physics 5401H

Honors Advanced Electricity and Magnetism II

4 credits.

Plane waves, plane waves in matter; physical optics; coherence, interference, diffraction, and dispersion.

Prereq: Honors standing or permission of instructor; (B+ or better in 5400) or (B- or better in 5400H).

Textbook(s):  Introduction to Electrodynamics, ISBN: 9780321856562, Author: Griffiths, Publisher: Pearson.

Offered spring semester. TuWeThFr 10:20am - 11:15am

Physics 5500

Quantum Mechanics I

4 credits.

Prereq: C+ or higher in Physics 2301;  Credit for Math 2174 or Math 2415 or Math 2255 or Math 5520H.

Textbook(s):  Quantum Mechanics, ISBN: 9780321765796, Author: McIntyre and Manogue, Publisher:  Pearson.

Offered autumn semester. TuWeThFr 11:30am - 12:25pm

Physics 5500H

Honors Quantum Mechanics I

4 credits

Advanced treatment of quantum mechanics, including its historical background, the Schrodinger equation, solutions of one-dimensional scattering and bound state problems.  Uses Dirac notation.

Prereq: Honors standing or permission of instructor; C+ or higher in Physics 2301;  Credit for Math 2174 or Math 2415 or Math 2255 or Math 5520H.

Textbook(s):  Quantum Mechanics, ISBN: 9780321765796, Author: McIntyre, Publisher:  Pearson.

Offered autumn semester.  TuWeThFr 11:30am - 12:25pm

Physics 5501

Quantum Mechanics II

4 credits, offered spring semester.

Harmonic oscillator, time-independent and time-dependent perturbation theory, addition of angular momenta, fine and hyperfine structure of hydrogen, identical particles, periodic systems, modern physics applications of quantum mechanics.

Prereq: Credit for Physics 5500.  Not open to students with credit for Physics 5501H.

Textbook(s):  Quantum Mechanics, ISBN: 9780321765796, Author: McIntyre, Publisher:  Pearson.

Offered spring semester. TuWeThFr 11:30am - 12:25pm

Physics 5501H

Honors Quantum Mechanics II

4 credits.

The Schrodinger equation in three dimensions, angular momentum, the hydrogen atom; time-independent perturbation theory.time-dependent perturbation theory, scattering theory and the Born approximation, multi-electron atoms.

Prereq: Honors status or permission of instructor; (B+ or better in 5500) or (B- or better in 5500H)

Textbook(s):  Quantum Mechanics, ISBN: 9780321765796, Author: McIntyre and Manogue, Publisher:  Pearson.

Offered spring semester. TuWeThFr 11:30am - 12:25pm

Physics 5600

Statistical Mechanics

4 credits, offered autumn semester.

Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics; applications to noninteracting classical and quantum systems. Interacting systems, special states of matter, critical phenomena and phase transitions.

Prereq: Physics 5500; and Math 2415, 2174, 2255, or 5520H.

Offered autumn semester. TuWeThFr 9:10am - 10:05am.

Physics 5700

Advanced Physics Laboratory

3 credits.

Introduction to the experimental techniques of physics and the statistical analysis of data, through lectures and a variety of experiments.

Prereq: Physics 3700 and 2301 and 5400(H) and 5500(H). Open to students in the Arts and Sciences Physics major.

No textbook on file.

Offered autumn and spring semesters. Two sections available - MW 12:40-3:55pm and TuTh 12:40-3:55pm.

Physics 5710

Advanced Engineering Physics Laboratory

3 credits

Lab course for eng physics majors. Experiments in optics, materials, and nuclear physics are carried out in a team approach, emphasizing DAQ methods and experimental design, analysis of collected data, and formal presentation of experimental results.

Prereq: Physics 3700 and 2301 and 5400(H) and 5500(H). Open to students in the Engineering Physics major.

Offered autumn and spring semesters.  Two sections available - MW 12:40-3:55pm and TuTh 12:40-3:55pm.

Physics 5740

Quantitative Cell Biology for Engineers and Scientists

3 credits.

Introduction to the biophysical and biochemical principles underlying the behavior of cellular processes with an emphasis on surveying engineering models and quantitative measurements.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Cross-listed in ChBE.

Offered autumn semester.

Physics 5800

Engineering Physics Design I

3 credits

Presents fundamentals of engineering-physics design and leads to skills development relevant to a specific design proposal. Technical communication skills, both written and oral, are employed throughout.

Prereq: Physics 2301, and a Second Writing course, and senior standing in Engineering Physics.

Offered autumn semester.  Please note: this course is only open to graduating seniors within the Engineering Physics program.  It is not open to Arts and Sciences physics major or to students in other majors within the College of Engineering.

Physics 5801

Engineering Physics Design II

3 credits

Continues training in engineering-physics design. Preliminary designs are refined and prototypes are fabricated and tested. Technical communication skills, both written and oral, are employed throughout.

Prereq: Physics 5800, and senior standing in Engineering Physics.

Offered spring semester.

Physics 6740

Introduction to Astrochemistry

4 credits

A treatment of chemistry occurring in interstellar clouds, areas of star formation, and atmospheres of stars.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit in 740, Astron 740, or Chem 740. Cross-listed in Chem.

The below courses are listed as "graduate" and are not open to undergraduate students.  If you are an undergraduate student who is interested in taking one of the below courses, email Lindsey Thaler at:

Physics 6802

Topics in Elementary Particle Physics

4 credits

Experimental and theoretical aspects of areas of current interest in physics. Elementary Particle Physics.
Prereq: 5501 or grad standing or permission of instructor.

Physics 6803

Topics in Astroparticle Physics

4 credits

Experimental and theoretical aspects of areas of current interest in Astroparticle Physics.
Prereq: 5501 or grad standing or permission of instructor.

Physics 6804

Topics in Atomic and Molecular Physics

4 credits

Experimental and theoretical aspects of areas of current interest in physics. Atomic and Molecular Physics.
Prereq: 5501 or grad standing or permission of instructor.

Physics 6805

Topics in Nuclear Physics

4 credits

Experimental and theoretical aspects of areas of current interest in physics. Nuclear Physics.
Prereq: 5501 or grad standing or permission of instructor.

Physics 6806

Topics in Condensed Matter Physics

4 credits

Experimental and theoretical aspects of areas of current interest in physics. Condensed Matter Physics.
Prereq: 5501 or grad standing or permission of instructor.

Physics 6809

Topics in Biophysics

4 credits

Experimental and theoretical aspects of areas of current interest in Biophysics.
Prereq: 5501 or grad standing or permission of instructor.

Physics 6810

Topics in Computational Physics

4 credits

Experimental and theoretical aspects of areas of current interest in Computational Physics.
Prereq: 5501 or grad standing or permission of instructor.

Physics 6820

Special Topics

4 credits

Experimental and theoretical aspects of areas of current interest in physics. Special Topics.
Prereq: Prereq: 5501 or grad standing. Repeatable to a maximum of 24 cr hrs.

Graduate Courses 


Physics 7193

Individual Studies

1-6 credits

Designed to give a properly qualified student opportunity for independent reading, study, or laboratory work in a specialized field of interest.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 20 cr hrs or 6 completions. This course is graded S/U.

Physics 7194

Group Studies

1-5 credits

Group Studies.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 20 cr hrs or 6 completions.

Physics 7401

Electromagnetic Field Theory

3 credits

Electric and magnetic fields in material media, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic waves, radiation by simple systems and by moving charges. Special theory of relativity.
Prereq: 5401 and 7701, or permission of instructor.

Physics 7501

Quantum Mechanics 1

3 credits

Postulates and Schroedinger eq., linear vector spaces, path-integral formulation; symmetry, orbital angular momentum, central potentials, spin angular momentum.
Prereq: 5501 or equivalent, or permission of instructor.

Physics 7502

Quantum Mechanics 2

3 credits

Variational method; perturbation theory, semiclassical treatment of electromagnetic radiation, quantized electromagnetic radiation, scattering theory; density matrix; Dirac equation.
Prereq: 7501.

Physics 7503

Quantum Mechanics 3

3 credits

Systems with several electrons, exclusion principle; applications to atoms and molecules, and to scattering; Hartree-Fock approximation; Dirac equation for free electrons and for hydrogen.
Prereq: 7502.

Physics 7601

Classical and Statistical Physics I

3 credits

Lagrangian dynamics, variational principles, Hamilton's equations, canonical transformations, symmetries and conservation laws. Introduction to statistical physics; fundamental postulates.
Prereq: 5300 or grad standing in Physics or permission of instructor.

Physics 7602

Classical and Statistical Physics II

3 credits

Entropy, therm. potentials and changes of phase; microscopic expression for entropy and basis of classical ensemble theory. Canonical and grand ensembles; Quantum statistical mechanics.
Prereq:  5600 or equiv. or 7601.

Physics 7603

Advanced Statistical Physics

3 credits

Interacting systems; Ising and Heisenberg models of magnetism, theory of dense gases and liquids, phase transitions and critical phenomena; non-equilibrium statistical physics, Boltzmann equation.
Prereq: 7502 and 7602, or permission of instructor.

Physics 7701

Analytic and Numeric Methods of Physics

3 credits

Analytical and numeric boundary value problems, complex analysis, Fourier series, Legendre polynomials, spherical harmonics, and Bessel functions.
Prereq: grad standing in Physics or permission of instructor.

Physics 7891

Departmental Seminar or Workshop

1 credits

Departmental Seminar or Workshop
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 20 cr hrs. This course is graded S/U.

Physics 7998

Grad Research

1-10 credits

Laboratory and/or theoretical research on an individual basis on topics of current interest.
Prereq: 5700 or equiv and permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 36 cr hrs or 6 completions. This course is graded S/U.

Physics 8301

Elasticity and Fluid Mechanics

3 credits

Elasticity of solids; stress and strain tensors, dislocations; fluid mechanics; ideal and viscous fluids, chaos, and turbulence.
Prereq: 7601 or permission of instructor.

Physics 8802.01

Topics in Elementary Particle Physics 1

3 credits

A systematic advanced treatment of areas of current interest in physics; topics will be announced each quarter. Elementary Particle Physics.
Prereq: 7501 or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs.

Physics 8802.02

Topics in Elementary Particle Physics 2

3 credits

A (continued) systematic advanced treatment of areas of current interest in physics; topics will be announced each quarter. Elementary Particle Physics.
Prereq: 8802.01 or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs.

Physics 8803.01

Topics in Astroparticle Physics 1

3 credits

A systematic advanced treatment of areas of current interest in physics; topics will be announced each quarter. Astroparticle Physics.
Prereq: 7501 or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs.

Physics 8803.02

Topics in Astroparticle Physics 2

3 credits

A (continued) systematic advanced treatment of areas of current interest in physics; topics will be announced each quarter. Astroparticle Physics Physics.
Prereq: 8803.01 or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs.

Physics 8804.01

Topics in Atomic and Molecular Physics 1

3 credits

A systematic advanced treatment of areas of current interest in physics; topics will be announced each quarter. Atomic and Molecular Physics.
Prereq: 7501, or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs.

Physics 8804.02

Topics in Atomic and Molecular Physics 2

3 credits

A (continued) systematic advanced treatment of areas of current interest in physics; topics will be announced each quarter. Atomic and Molecular Physics.
Prereq: 8804.01 or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs.

Physics 8805.01

Topics in Nuclear Physics 1

3 credits

A systematic advanced treatment of areas of current interest in physics; topics will be announced each quarter. Nuclear Physics.
Prereq: 7501 or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs.

Physics 8805.02

Topics in Nuclear Physics 2

3 credits

A (continued) systematic advanced treatment of areas of current interest in physics; topics will be announced each quarter. Nuclear Physics.
Prereq: 8805.01 or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs.

Physics 8806.01

Topics in Condensed Matter Physics 1

3 credits

A systematic advanced treatment of areas of current interest in physics; topics will be announced each quarter. Condensed Matter Physics.
Prereq: 7501 or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs.

Physics 8806.02

Topics in Condensed Matter Physics 2

3 credits

A (continued) systematic advanced treatment of areas of current interest in physics; topics will be announced each quarter. Condensed Matter Physics.
Prereq: 8806.01 or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of  6 cr hrs.

Physics 8808.01

Topics in the Theory of Quantized Fields I

3 credits

A systematic advanced treatment of areas of current interest in physics; topics will be announced each quarter. Theory of Quantized Fields.
Prereq: 7501 or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs.

Physics 8808.02

Topics in the Theory of Quantized Fields II

3 credits

A (continued) systematic advanced treatment of areas of current interest in physics; topics will be announced each quarter. Theory of Quantized Fields.
Prereq: 8808.01 or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs.

Physics 8809.01

Topics in Biophysics

3 credits

A systematic advanced treatment of areas of current interest in physics; topics will be announced each quarter. Biophysics.
Prereq: 7501, or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs.

Physics 8809.02

Topics in Biophysics 2

3 credits

A (continued) systematic advanced treatment of areas of current interest in physics; topics will be announced each quarter. Biophysics.
Prereq: 8809.01 or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs.

Physics 8820

Special Topics

3 credits

A systematic advanced treatment of areas of current interest in physics; topics will be announced each quarter. Special Topics.
Prereq: 7501 or permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 12 cr hrs.

Physics 8999

Research in Physics

1 - 12 credits

Research for thesis or dissertation purposes only.
Au, Sp, Sum Semesters. Prereq: Permission of Instructor. Repeatable. This course is graded S/U.

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