We are currently conducting faculty searches!
The Department of Physics at the Ohio State University is one of the university's largest and most diverse departments. As a department in the division of Natural and Mathematical Sciences in the College of the Arts and Sciences, the Department of Physics occupies the Physics Research Building as well as instructional and advising space in Smith Laboratory, the former home of the department. The department is the home to multiple internationally renowned centers and research facilities. The department currently has 50 faculty and approximately 60 postdoctoral researchers and research scientists, 210 graduate students, and 430 undergraduate majors.
Full Professor in Condensed Matter Theory, Ohio Eminent Scholar
Position overview:
The Department of Physics at the Ohio State University announces an opening for a Full Professor in theoretical condensed matter and materials physics. The position, titled the Ohio Eminent Scholar (OES) in Theoretical Condensed Matter, is part of the Ohio Eminent Scholars (OES) Program that was created by the Ohio General Assembly and is administered by the Ohio Board of Regents. Its goal is to enhance the national eminence of selected outstanding academic programs at Ohio universities by attracting nationally recognized scholars.
The appointment is effective in Autumn 2025 at the rank of Full Professor. We envision a candidate with demonstrated excellence in all aspects of research and teaching, and a recognized leader in the field of condensed matter and materials theory, who has developed a productive, well-funded, and internationally prominent research program.
Experimental Electronics Physics
Position Overview:
The Department of Physics at the Ohio State University announces an opening for a tenure-line faculty hire in experimental condensed matter physics, with particular focus on novel electronics materials and phenomena. The appointment is effective in Autumn 2024 at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor. We envision a candidate with strong potential for excellence in all aspects of scholarship and who will collaborate with the broad materials research community across campus and be an active member of major research centers at the Ohio State University, such as the Center for Emergent Materials (CEM, an NSF MRSEC), the Center for Exploration of Novel Complex Materials (ENCOMM), and the Institute for Materials and Manufacturing Research (IMR).
Andrei Baronov and Ratmir Timashev Professorship in Chemical Physics
Position Overview:
The Chemical Physics Program, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and the Department of Physics announce the opening for the newly established endowed Andrei Baronov and Ratmir Timashev Professorship in Chemical Physics. This tenure track appointment will be at the associate or full professor level. We seek individuals with a research program of recognized excellence that embraces the interdisciplinary nature of chemical physics research. A joint appointment between the Departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Physics, possibly including an Engineering department, is anticipated.
Assistant or Associate Professor at the Intersection of Theoretical Nuclear Physics Connected to Astrophysics
Position Overview:
The Department of Physics at The Ohio State University announces an opening for a tenure-line faculty hire for a theoretical physicist working at the intersection of nuclear physics and astrophysics. The appointment will be effective in Autumn 2025 at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor. We seek a candidate whose work complements that of the nuclear and astrophysics efforts at Ohio State and/or helps initiate new research directions at their intersection. A non-exhaustive list of points of possible connection includes neutrinos and fundamental symmetries, cosmic rays, dark matter, nucleosynthesis, supernovae, neutron stars, cosmology, and the StarLab facility. The successful candidate will work to advance the Department’s mission in research, teaching, and service and is anticipated to become a member of the Ohio State Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics (CCAPP). This opening in nuclear theory connected to astrophysics is complemented by a similar opening in particle theory connected to astrophysics, with both being enabled by Ohio State’s Good-to-Great program.
Assistant or Associate Professor at the Intersection of Theoretical High Energy Physics and Astrophysics
Position Overview:
The Department of Physics at The Ohio State University announces an opening for a tenure-track faculty position for a theoretical physicist working at the intersection of high energy physics and astrophysics. The appointment will be effective in Autumn 2025 at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor. We seek a candidate whose work complements that of the high energy physics and astrophysics efforts at Ohio State and/or helps initiate new research directions at their intersection. Our high energy theory group is interested in all aspects of particle physics, quantum field theory and string theory, and is currently focused on quantum chromodynamics (QCD), physics beyond the Standard Model and black holes. A non-exhaustive list of points of possible connection to astrophysics includes neutrinos, dark matter, inflation, gravitational waves, dark energy, early- or late-universe cosmology, and the StarLab facility. The successful candidate will work to advance the Department’s mission in research, teaching, and service and is anticipated to become a member of the Ohio State Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics (CCAPP). This opening in high energy theory connected to astrophysics is complemented by a similar opening in nuclear theory connected to astrophysics.