Newly Admitted Students
The OSU Physics Department supports the student developed and run, Physics Graduate Student Council (PGSC), which is the representative body for physics graduate students at Ohio State. The PGSC is an active and engaged group that advocates and facilitates communication and activities between the department and graduate students on all matters of mutual interest. The PGSC holds quarterly meetings and meets regularly with the department chair and vice chairs to discuss issues of concern as raised by the graduate student body. The council also hosts regular social events, mentors new graduate students, helps publicize graduate student research opportunities, organizes an annual graduate research poster competition and "core-course" faculty teaching awards, and generally enhance the social, academic and reserach experience for all physics graduate students. As such the PGSC has developed some great resources for incoming graduate students. Please feel free to browse their First-Year Survival Guide, and their website as a whole.
First Year Survival Guide:
PGSC Website:
Guideline for food at events in the PRB
The rule of thumb is that you should always wait for the invitation to take food from an event that you were not specifically invited to. This can be either verbally from a faculty or staff member in charge of the event or via an email from the front desk like this one below announcing leftovers. If you don’t know what an event is about that has food in the Atrium, then you were probably not invited to it. Most events do have left overs that they share with others in the department and the front desk is diligent about sending out email to let everyone know. Often there is not a lot left over so they will try to give some information in their message about that.
By respecting other people’s events, this helps us be good neighbors to each other and thus insures that groups will remain willing to share their food with the rest of the department when the event is over.
Setting up Direct Deposit
Go to to Student Self Service link to login. Then under Time and Pay click on Direct Deposit. From there you will be able to set up your direct deposit preferences.
OPERS will be taken out of your first paycheck even if you opted out. If you did submit your form to opt out of OPERS they should reimburse you in Octover for the amount they took out in September. However, it is a good idea to call and verify with them that they did receive your form.
More information on OPERS can be found here: OPERS help
Student Center Account Holds
If you are unable to register for classes, there might be a hold on your account. Please check to see if you've signed the Financially Responsibility form as well as checking off your vaccicination status.
Hiring Orientation/Paperwork
- International Students on Fellowship or GTA appointments, please check with the Office of International English Language Programs website about the Oral Proficiency Assessment (OPA) test and how to schedule it. It is important to do this as early as possible in June or July and the online and in person as the testing time slots fill up fast. The Physics Department will provide you with a PO number for the payment.
July 31st - Deadline to Register online for ALL of your classes for Autumn. Fellows will need to register for 12 credit hours and TAs for a minimum of 8 credit hours. Please see #6 below for details on the required courses. Fellows, please note that you will need to add 1 credit hour of Physics 7998 Research with the vice chair of graduate studies to reach 12 hours. Please note that there will be time to adjust your schedules after your first advising meeting (via Zoom) in late July/early August.
August 12th (tentative)- Teaching Associates (TAs) -your class schedules are due by July 31st. you will be emailed a schedule link to use to import your own class schedule as well as you can enter a preference for early or late teaching assignments. With your own class schedules, first year students often end up with an early morning or late afternoon-evening set of teaching assignments.
August 2-13 -ALL international students see the Office of International Affairs (OIA) found at OIA.OSU.EDU. For information about mandatory check in and to register for the mandatory 1 day Orientation scheduled on the first 3 Thursdays in August: information here. Please schedule your individual check in meetings for before Tuesday August 15th. If you arrive late, you are also available on Wednesday morning 8 AM to 12 PM. You can also possible be available on Thursday and Friday if you are not English certified and will be assigned as a grader for your GTA duties.
Thursday August 15th – MANDATORY Report to campus date. -you need to be in Columbus by this date and you will have daily assignments you will need to be on campus to complete.
Tuesday August 13th 1:00 pm- 5:30 MANDATORY Orientation Day 1 in PRB room 1080-Smith Seminar Room (SSR): Introduction to OSU, the department, and our graduate studies program.
Wednesday August 14th 1:00 pm- 4:30pm MANDATORY Orientation Day 2 in PRB room 1080-Smith Seminar Room (SSR): Information and resources.
Thursday August 15th 9:00am - 5pm Physics Department MANDATORY Teaching Associate (GTA) day 1 training -by peer grad students experienced with being a GTA
-Smith Lab teaching keys to be issued during Thursdays GTA Orientation
-Time & Location TBD: Office Assignments and Office Key pick up from Physics Grad Prog. Coord.
- Last Mandatory International Student Orientation at Office of International Affairs (OIA)
Friday, August 16th 9:00am - 5pm Physics Department MANDATORY Teaching Associate (GTA) day 2 training by Prof. Andrew Heckler and the Course Coordination staff
Sunday, August 18th 4-7pm Student Involvement Fair, 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Oval and South Oval
-see web site for more details Student Involvement Fair
Monday August 21st - Physics Department MANDATORY Teaching Associate (GTA) 2 hour training and materials pick up for specific teaching responsibilities with your Course Coordinator. Info will be emailed to GTAs from Dr. Nandyala
Tuesday, August 20th – Classes Begin!
Other useful Information:
- Fees explanations are available online at:
- Everyone will be charged the following fees per term: COTA Bus fee, Student Activity fee, Recreational fee, Student Legal fee, and 15% of your student health insurance costs (the department covers the remaining 85%). Fee rates can be found on the fees explanations page linked above. Your fees will automatically be deducted from your paychecks through out the semester.
- Please note that Student Health Insurance (or proof that you already have your own insurance) is required for full-time students.
- Familiarize yourself with the regulations about registering on time--this will save you money. BE VIGILANT EVERY TERM REGARDING REGISTRATION. Not registering on time generates late fees, and late fees are extremely costly at Ohio State—up to $500.
- Everyone will be charged the following fees per term: COTA Bus fee, Student Activity fee, Recreational fee, Student Legal fee, and 15% of your student health insurance costs (the department covers the remaining 85%). Fee rates can be found on the fees explanations page linked above. Your fees will automatically be deducted from your paychecks through out the semester.
- You can change your schedule online through the first week of classes. For the 2nd week, your schedule can be changed by submitting a Course Enrollment form to add a new course. After the 2nd week, you will need to petition to add a new course and the petition is available through the Graduate School’s forms website,
- Parking passes can be purchased after you receive your Buck ID. Please visit the Traffic and Parking website for more information.
- After your are issued your Buck ID, we will need for you to fill out a form to request your office key and to activate your ID to allow you into the building after hours. The Grad Program Coordinator and Sierra Brimhall will facilitate issuing your office key and activating your building access. Please see Mark Reed, Room 1146 if you have any difficulty using your ID for building entry after the first few weeks of classes.
- Whenever you move, please change your address online at Buckeyelink
- If you need financial assistance, you can apply for a short term loan. Please vist the Student Financial Aid website for more information.
- An interactive map of Ohio State’s campus can be found at
- For more information about your first year as well as other useful information to physics graduate students, please check the Physics Graduate Student Council’s Web site.
1. To accept our offer of admission, please email the department Grad Studies office at: to inform us of your decision. Students with a University Fellowship should also email the Graduate School at:
2. Accept your admission on-line: Visit your BuckeyeLink application center (go to and hover over the 'Future Students' tab. Slide your cursor over to the Graduate section of that tab and click the “Application Status” link. This should get you to the correct page.) There should be a bar at the top of the page that says: “Admissions”. Under that bar you will see text that says “Accept/Decline” in blue letters. Please click on that link and click the appropriate Yes option. Please note that you may not see the appropriate Accept/Decline options until you have reported your decision to the department.
3. Please check the Graduate School’s Web site for more information (there is a lot!). For information about the appropriate steps to take after you have accepted our offer: go to the Grad School's website and hover over the 'Incoming and New Students' tab. Slide your cursor down to the 'Overview for New Students' tab and click on the 'New Student To do List', which can also be found here: /sites/
4. Activate your OSU internet account and email account at the OSU Account management Web site. When setting up your email be sure to read the “Future Students” tab to familiarize yourself with the safe computing guidelines.
- This email will be your primary OSU email account and will be used for ALL OSU and Department communications. Email forwarding will not be permitted.
5. To register for classes, you will access the Student Information System via the link found at under “My Student Center”. If you need help logging in to your account, call the IT Help line at 688-HELP (4357).
- Register for classes using the link provided above by the fee payment deadline 1 week before classes begin to avoid late fees. It is very important that you are registered FULL TIME by this date.
-Before orientation, incoming students will have a chance to meet with their academic advisor to discuss classes and add or drop courses as needed.
(Please note that international students can not register for any courses until they have met with the Office of International Affairs after arriving on campus. This may mean that you will have to register a little bit later in August.) *After registering for classes, you can change your address online.
6. Recommended Classes for Fall Term:
Physics 6780 – Special Topics – TBD
Physics 7891A - Instructor is TBD
Physics 7601 Classical & Statistical Physics I
Physics 7501 Quantum Mechanics I
Physics 7701 Analytical & Numeric Methods of Physics (E&M I)
Fellows will need to add 1 credit hour of 7998 Research with Prof. Gupta to reach the minimum full time credit hour requirement of 12
For more information about a specific course, please refer to the Physics Semester Courses webpage.
7. FINAL TRANSCRIPTS need to be sent to OSU admissions at:
The Ohio State University
Office of Graduate and Professional Admissions
PO PO Box 182004 Columbus Ohio, 43218-2004
Please also forward a copy to the Physics Graduate Studies office as well.
8. For preliminary information on Ohio State’s graduate student health insurance plans, please check the Office of Student Life Web site and click on the section for “Graduate Students.” The department covers 85% of the cost and you will cover 15% per Term. this works out to be around $200 per term and is deducted from your monthly paycheck.
The term starts on Tuesday August 20th, 2024. Please plan to arrive on campus no later than 2 Sundays before the start of the term, as you need to report for duty by Friday August 16th, a little over 1 week before the start of the term. It is highly recommended to arrive before then to hunt for an apartment as most leases begin on the 15th of August.
1. In mid July there will be a Doodle Poll available. In this Doodle Poll you will be able to notify us of when you plan on arriving in Columbus, which hiring orientation you will be attending, and sign-up for an appointment to speak with Professor Jon Pelz to discuss your class selections for Autumn.
2. Your appointment time to meet with our Human Resource Professional will be sent via an email in July. . The system to update your personal, tax withholding and direct deposit information will not be accessible until the first day of your appointment, Tuesday, August 16th as noted on your Graduate Appointment document and in your Letter of Admission offer.
You will need to bring 2 forms of ID, one with a picture and your social security number, to fill out your I-9 form. A copy of the I-9 form and instructions will be forwarded via email at a later date or you can download it from OSU’s HR Web site. Please note that there will be set times for these HR appointments and we can not accommodate walk ins to complete the hiring paperwork.
3. OSU ID Card - as soon as you enroll in classes and/or get on the payroll, you can obtain your OSU ID, also called Buck ID. The Buck ID card is necessary for using the library and for riding the city bus for free. The Buck ID center is located in the Ohio Union on the 3rd floor. For more information, please visit
4. Yes, office and desk assignment will be determined by the Graduate Studies Program Coordinator and the vice chair of grad studies. You will be notified of your location sometime during the week of your reporting to campus but no later than by the last Friday before the start of the term. All 1st and some 2nd year students are usually assigned to offices located on the 3rd floor.
5. Yes, your mailbox will be located in the main office in PRB room 1040. We recommend that you please check your mailbox regularly. You will only be able to access your mailbox during regular University business hours Monday - Friday 8 AM to 5 PM.
6. Your initial advisor will be Prof. Jon Pelz, Vice Chair of Graduate Studies and Research. More information about opportunities to connect with research advisors will be provided during your first semester.
International Students
As our own website information for international students is under construction, please visit the Department of Materials Science Engineering for information you will find helpful. Their pages for International Students can be found at:
Please visit the Office of International Affairs (OIA) Web site to obtain their specific instructions for pre-arrival, check-in/orientation, etc. We recommend that you try to arrive at least 3 weeks before the semester starts in order to allow enough time to complete your required english language testing as well as to discuss your course registration for Autumn term. After you arrive, you will first need to visit the Office of International Affairs (OIA) on main campus. Here you will receive orientation materials and schedule any tests that are needed. They will also give you information about obtaining a social security number.
After you get your permanent social security number, please meet with our Physics Human Resources Professional to update your records. You should also go to the Graduate School and tell the receptionist what your new social security number is.
Regarding taxes, you may qualify for a tax exemption status. The Human Resources person will cover this when you meet with to finish your hiring paperwork.
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Progress to PhD
For the Department of Physics, our graduate students under semesters are required to take:
- One-year Quantum Mechanics sequence (Phys 7501-7502)
- One-year Classical and Statistical Physics sequence (Phys 7601, 7602)
- One year sequence consisting of Analytical and Numeric Methods of Physics with Electromagnetic Field Theory (Phys 7701 & 7401)
You need to have an average GPA across the 6 core courses of 3.3 (B+) and any core course in which a student receives a B- or lower grade is required to be repeated for a better grade. This is referred to as the "Physics core course requirement."
Some students may have already taken an equivalent graduate level core course at another university or institution. In this case the student may request consideration that the core course be waived from the core course requirement. Please email the Graduate Studies Chair and provide a course syllabus, books used and copy of transcript showing the grades. This information will be discussed with the relevant core course instructors and then the student will be notified once a determination is made.
Physics Advanced Topics courses are typically numbered 68xx or 88xx. In addition to the core course requirement students are required to take at least three semesters of Advanced Topics courses, with at most one of these at the 68xx level. Physics 5810 "Computational Methods" does count as a 68xx level advanced topics course. For 5810 students will need to contact the Graduate Studies Program Coordinator to request manual enrollment in the course before the start of the semester.
If a student's advisor recommends that the student takes a course outside of Physics and the student wants this course to count as one of the three required Physics Advanced Topics courses, the student’s advisor should send an email to the Graduate Studies Chair confirming that this non-physics course is important for the student’s research. With this process, one non-physics course at the 4000-level or above will generally be approved to count as one of the required Physics Advanced Topics courses. If a student wants to have a non-physics course below the 4000 level count as a Physics Advanced topics course, or if the student would like more than one non-Physics course to count towards the Physics Advanced Topics requirement, they should discuss this with the Graduate Studies Chair, who may ask the student to prepare a petition that will be discussed with the Graduate Studies Committee.
After you complete your 6 Core Courses, 2 of the 3 Advanced Topics courses and meet the GPA requirements, you are eligible to schedule and complete your candidacy exam. Candidacy can be scheduled concurrently with your 2nd Advanced Topics course and/or with retaking a core course but should be scheduled late at the end of the term or between terms to verify that you meet the course completion, grade and GPA requirements. You will need to complete your 3rd Advanced Topics course within 1 year after passing candidacy.
By this point most students would have earned 18 credit hours of Physics Core Courses, 6 hours or more of Advanced Topics Courses, 2 hours of Physics seminars (Physics 6780 and 7891a) and at least 21 hours of Physics 7998 non-thesis independent research for a 2 year, 6 semester total of 47 credit hours. The Graduate School requires students to have completed a minimum of 30 credit hours to be eligible for taking their candidacy exam and this schedule of courses insures that is met.
Selecting your 4 member candidacy committee from the Physics faculty:
- Advisor
- 2nd faculty in same research area as your advisor
- 3rd faculty member is either a theorist or experimentalist in your research area (if your first 2 are experimentalists, you would need a theorist in the same research area and vice versa if your advisor and 2nd member are theorists, you would need an experimentalist in the same research area.
- 4th member should be completely unrelated to your research area and can be either a theorist or experimentalist.
Example: Student is in condensed matter experiment the committee will need to be the student's advisor in CM Experiment, 2nd faculty member in CME, 3rd faculty member in CM Theory and the 4th member from outside of Condensed Matter.
Note that if your advisor recommends a faculty committee member that does not hold any appointment in Physics, you will need to email and petition the Graduate Studies Office for permission to have that faculty member as part of your 4 person committee. Please email your petition request directly to the Vice Chair of Graduate Studies (Prof. Pelz) with copy to your advisor and the Grad Studies Program Coordinator (Kris Dunlap).The Graduate Studies Office encourages most of our Physics grad students to schedule their candidacy exam during their 2nd summer. There are some research areas that this may not be possible and that should be discussed with the Vice Chair of Graduate Studies during the annual review conducted during spring terms. All students are required to pass candidacy by the end of their 3rd year.
The candidacy exam process is 6 weeks and needs to be scheduled to be completed during a current term in order to change your student status from Pre-candidacy to Post-candidacy. Please see the Candidacy Exam Info page for detailed instructions for how the exam is conducted.
Students should file an Application to Graduate form on to have a Master's degree recorded on their student file. The Application to Graduate online form will have an option for Master's degree for passing Candidacy and you should select that option.
At this point most students pass into their thesis research with their research advisor. Students begin the term immediately following candidacy registering for Physics 8999 Thesis Research for 3 credit hours only with their research advisor and are now subject to the Graduate School's rule for continuous enrollment for subsequent Autumn and Spring semesters. Post Candidacy students who may wish to take a term off or need to leave to work on a summer internship could do so during summer term but this should be discussed in advance with the advisor and the Physics Graduate Studies office.
Most students will need to spend another 4 years or 12 semesters (36 credit hours) working on their thesis research and earning enough credit hours to meet the 80 credit hour minimum to graduate. (Some students will need longer but on average most Physics student complete their PhD in 6 years.) Note that there is not a minimum number of Physics 8999 Thesis Research hours required for students who started their graduate program with Physics, but a reasonable number should have been earned in the years following passing candidacy. (Students transferring or starting the program with their Master's degree do have different requirements and these will be outlined in the Physics Handbook currently under revision as well as these students are subject to some additional Graduate School rules.)
Your post candidacy period to work on your PhD is limited to 5 years from the date of your candidacy exam but can be extended with a petition form "Committee and Examination Petition" sent to the graduate school using
Some students may wish to take a graduate course sometime between passing candidacy and graduating and in those situations, students should register for the course for 3 credit hours and NOT Physics 8999 Thesis Research. Students should always discuss in advance the course they are interested in with their advisor before signing up for it and if the course is over 3 credit hours, students must have their advisor's permission to exceed 3 credit hours as this does mean a higher tuition cost to the professor.
Students need to have a minimum of 80 total graduate credit hours to apply for graduation. (Undergraduate courses do not count toward the 80 credit hours.) Note that as only 30 hours are required for the candidacy exam as well as for applying for your Master's degree, the balance of hours from pre-candidacy will need to be transferred to count toward earning your PhD. The Graduate School has a form for transferring graduate credit hours in excess of 30.
This policy covers that if you would need to travel related to your research for a conference, seminar, workshop or summer school, you MUST enter your travel into the e-Travel system and have it approved PRIOR to your leaving for your trip. Please consult with your research group’s administrative support person when planning your trip.
Office of Research - Research Compliance
American Institute of Physics - Statement of ethics and responsibilities of authors submitting to AIP journals: