Lightwave Electronics and Attosecond Photonics (LEAP)

Lightwave Electronics and Attosecond Photonics (LEAP)

About Us

The Lightwave Electronics and Attosecond Photonics (LEAP) group focuses on the development and application of next-generation laser-based attosecond light sources and field-resolved spectroscopic tools to study electron dynamics in atoms, molecules, and solids.

We use ultrafast lasers to generate coherent few-cycle light sources, covering terahertz to exahertz regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, and apply them using time-domain optical and photoelectron spectroscopies.

Our goals are:

  • To probe the dynamic electronic structure of materials driven strongly out of equilibrium by an intense laser field
  • To investigate the physics of electron wave packet coherence and electron correlation on extreme time scales
laser emitting device