Engineering Physics Targeted Electives

What counts as an Engineering Physics Targeted Elective? 9 semester hours are required for this category and the courses taken must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Must be 2000 level or above
  • Cannot already be fulfilling a different requirement for the degree. For example, Physics 2300 is a required course. Required courses cannot be counted as electives.
  • Must be a physics, engineering, or math course. Related subjects like statistics and astronomy cannot count.
  • Must be a graded course (as opposed to satisfactory/unsatisfactory)
  • Cannot be an undergraduate research course or a seminar course
  • Cannot be a course that is considered a General Education course.

Students are encouraged to work with a physics advisor to come up with a list of electives that make the most sense for the student's course schedule and career plans.  Below is a list of suggested courses that can be used to satisfy Engineering Physics Targeted Electives.

Physics Courses

If you choose to use one or more physics course as a targeted elective, any of the below physics courses will count.  Please note that a physics course cannot double count toward both a targeted elective and toward the required physics elective category.

  • Physics 3470 - Optics
  • Physics 5261 - Environmental Soil Physics
  • Physics 5300 - Theoretical Mechanics
  • Physics 5401H - Honors Electromagnetism II
  • Physics 5501 - Quantum Mechanics II
  • Physics 5501H - Honors Quantum Mechanics II
  • Physics 5600 - Statistical Physics
  • Physics 5680 - Big Data Analytics in Physics
  • Physics 5810 - Computational Physics
  • Physics 6802 - Elementary Particle Physics
  • Physics 6804 - Atomic & Molecular Physics
  • Physics 6805 - Nuclear Physics
  • Physics 6806 - Condensed Matter Physics
  • Physics 6809 - Biophysics
  • Physics 6820 - topics vary by instructor

Engineering Courses

There are two ways to use engineering courses toward your targeted electives. 

  1. Take additional courses in your engineering concentration.  For example, if you choose Mechanical Engineering as your concentration and take 36 credit hours of ME courses, 27 of those hours will count toward your concentration requirement and the remaining 9 will count as targeted electives.
  2. Take courses in a different area of engineering than your concentration.  Appropriate engineering courses include, but are not limited, to:
  • AAE 2000 - Introduction to Aerospace Engineering I
  • ChBE 2220 - Process Fundamentals in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
  • ECE 2020 - Introduction to Analog Systems & Circuits
  • ECE 2060 - Introduction to Digital Logic
  • Food, Agricultural & Bio Engineering 2100: Energy in Biological Systems
  • ISE 2040.01 - Engineering Economics
  • ISE 2400: Design of Work: Methods & Measurements
  • ISE 5710: Behind Human Error and How Complex Systems Fail
  • MSE 2010 - Introduction to Materials Science & Engineering
  • ME 2010 - Statics
  • ME 2020 - Introduction to Mechanics of Materials
  • ME 2030 - Dynamics
  • ME 3500 - Engineering Thermal Sciences
  • NE 4505 - Intro to Nuclear Engineering

Math Courses

You can choose to take one or more math course as a targeted elective.  Below is a list of recommended math courses. None of these courses can double count toward a math minor.

  • Math 3607 - Beginning Scientific Computing
  • Math 4512 - Partial Differential Equations for Science and Engineering
  • Math 4530 - Probability
  • Math 4551 - Vector Analysis
  • Math 4552 - Complex Analysis
  • Math 4580 - Abstract Algebra I
  • Math 4581 - Abstract Algebra II
  • Math 4507 - Geometry
  • Math 5756 - Mathematical Methods in Relativity Theory I
  • Math 5767 - Mathematical Methods in Relativity Theory II

Targeted Electives that fulfill a GE Theme category

Students who are under the New General Education requirement (students starting at OSU autumn 2022 and after) can count up to two courses toward both a GE theme and a Targeted Elective. One course must come from the "Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World" category and the other can come from a Theme category of the student's choosing. Options are listed below.

  • Civil Engineering 3530: Learning from Disasters: Extreme Events and Their Impact on Infrastructure, Engineering, and Society (Sustainability) - 4 credit hours
  • Engineering 2301: Exploring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Engineering Contexts: Integrative Designation (Citizenship for a Diverse and Just World) - 4 credit hours
  • Environmental Engineering 3600: Technology Innovation for Sustainability (Sustainability) - 4 credit hours
  • Physics 2100: Physics and Technology for Future Presidents (Nature, Number, Mind) - 4 credit hours