This talk with cover two topics: the monojet physics analysis with Run-II ATLAS data, and the use of minbias data measured with the Tile calorimeter.
MonoX signatures are a standard dark matter collider signature. These searches have pushed the limits of new BSM physics searches to the point where they are approaching uncertainties on the level of precision measurements. As a result, such searches face a variety of challenges both from a machine-perspective and from MC modeling. The first half of this talk will focus on several of these challenges and how the ATLAS Monojet analysis is tackling them in Run-II.
The primary purpose of the ATLAS Tile calorimeter is to provide energy measurements of physics objects, but Tile also simultaneously takes minbias data. This data is used to study the aging of the Tile Calorimeter, allowing physics measurements to be corrected for the changing response of the calorimeter. Less well known is that it is also used for luminosity data taking, and is critical for setting the largest contribution to the luminosity uncertainty. The second half of this talk will focus on the processing and application of Tile minbias data.
Copy of presentation: ATLAS Monjet Run-II Analysis & MinBias Measurement with the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter