

Art Epstein

Arthur Epstein Remembered by Physics Community

Arthur Joseph Epstein, Ohio State University Distinguished Professor of Physics and Chemistry, passed away on August 25th and is being remembered by the physics community for his contributions to…

Enam Chowdhury

Enam Chowdhury wins DOE grant for studying ultra-intense laser material interaction at LaserNetUS Labs

Dr. Enam Chowdhury has won a Department of Energy (DOE) award of $410,000 (2019-2022) under the High Energy Density Laboratory Plasmas (HEDLP) program to develop a high spatial and temporal…


Professor Harris Kagan's Holography Course Featured in Symmetry Article

Dr. Harris Kagan, an OSU Physics Professor and collaborator on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, was recently featured in an article published by Symmetry, an online…

Umida Djakbarova

Physics Postdoc Umida Djakbarova receives Pelotonia Fellowship

Dr. Umida Djakbarova, a post-doc working with Professor Comert Kural, was recently awarded a 2019 Pelotonia Fellowship.

Pelotonia was founded in 2008 with the goal to raise money for…

John Beacom

Prof. John Beacom Discusses Gravitational Wave Astronomy in New Video

Physics and Astronomy Professor John Beacom along with other experts in the fields of Astronomy and Astrophysics discuss the future of gravitational wave astronomy "from upgrading LIGO to larger…

Dr. Andrew Heckler and Dr. Beatriz Burrola Gabilonda

Physics Education Researchers Receive NSF Grant for Essential Skills

Physics Professor Andrew Heckler and Physics Lecturer Beatriz Burrola Gabilondo along with Arizona State University Professor David Meltzer were recently awarded a $598,000 grant from the National…

Research Students

Undergraduates Share their Summer Experiences

On average, 70% of students in Physics or Engineering Physics will complete at least one research or internship experience before they graduate. We caught up with four undergraduates who discussed…

Launching rockets on the OSU Newark campus

OSU Newark Celebrates 50th Anniversary of Moon Landing

Physics and astronomy professor Michael Stamatikos helped the community around OSU Newark celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 lunar landing.

Professor Stamatikos worked with…

Physics without Frontiers Group

OSU Physics Postdoc Featured in Symmetry Article

OSU Physics post doctoral researcher, Dr. Suyog Shrestha, was recently featured in an article published by Symmetry, an online magazine about particle physics.

Dr. Shrestha is part of a…