July 19, 2019
Summer Research Projects Showcased During Poster Session
Twenty three undergraduate physics and engineering physics majors participated in this summer's 10-week long Physics Undergraduate Research Program. Yesterday they discussed their research projects with faculty and other students during a poster session hosted by the Physics Undergraduate Studies Office.
- Danielle Bingman, Delving in to Nucleosome Accessibility under the Regulation of Linker Histone Protein H1.0
- Chaosong Chen, Jet Algorithms Validation and Software Development in Search for New Physics with Two Higgs Bosons
- Noah Donald, Phase Transitions in Quantum Spin Liquids: Anisotropic Kitaev Honeycomb Model in a Magnetic Field
- Michael Ferrarelli, Charge Motion in Quantum Spin Liquids
- Boyu Gao, Constraining Dark Matter
- Jiasheng He, Density Distribution of Dark Matter Subhaloes
- Nathan Lachner, Toward Construction of a Tip and Sample Preparation Chamber
- Luca Lavezzo, Data Analysis for MilliQan Experiment
- Connor Luellen, Development of Scanned Probe Magnetic Imaging Using NV Centers in Diamond
- Brandon Manley, Data Analysis for MilliQan Experiment
- Joey Masters, Thin Exfoliated Films of Layered Materials
- Sahar Nikkah, Digital Intensity Interferometry
- Emily Osborne, Hydrodynamic Differentiation of Magnetic Microswimmer Trajectories
- Feng Qian, Linear Optical Quantum Circuit for Performing the Quantum Fourier Transform
- Cade Sbrocco, Simulation of Radar Technique for Neutrino Detection
- Ryo Shinohara, ATLAS Detector: Search for Long-Lived Z Boson
- Noah Smith, Hydrodynamics of Bacterial Surface Scattering
- Niko Stamos, Construction and Analysis of Vacuum Apparatus for Strong Field Simulation
- Jenna Thuma, Nucleosome Dynamics and Transcription of Factor Binding in the Presence of Unmodified PTM H1.2
- Clark Van Lieshout, Galaxy Bias in DES Y1
- Connor Winter, Developing a 1Hz Thomson Parabola Spectrometer
- Zhenyu Wu, Signal Monte Carlo Generation and Validation in Search for New Physics with Two Higgs Bosons
- Christian Zupan, Study of Plasmonic Interactions Using DNA Origami-Nanoparticle Composites in an Optical Tweezers Setup
Thank you to the judges:
- John Beacom
- Antonio Boveia
- Amy Connolly
- Jack Elvin-Poole
- Lou DiMauro
- Jay Gupta
- Chris Hammel
- Kevin Ingles
- Harris Kagan
- Kelly Luo
- Nicholas Marco
- Christopher Pierce
- Michael Poirier
- Steven Prohira
- Nandini Trivedi
- Hiran Wijesinghe
- Gabriel Vasquez
Program Funding
A huge thank-you to the scholarship donors who make this program possible.
- Robert P. Caren Family Endowment Fund
- The Captain Forrest R. Biard Undergraduate Research Scholarship Fund in Physics
- The Bunny C. Clark Student Support Fund
- James L. Smith Student Support Fund
Pictures from the event can be seen on the OSU Physics Flickr page.