Special Colloquium - Frank Golf (University of California- Santa Barbara) "Searching for New Physics with the Large Hadron Collider"

Frank Golf in front of beige wall
January 20, 2016
11:00AM - 12:00PM
1080 Physics Research Building - Smith Seminar Room

Date Range
2016-01-20 11:00:00 2016-01-20 12:00:00 Special Colloquium - Frank Golf (University of California- Santa Barbara) "Searching for New Physics with the Large Hadron Collider" Abstract: After a two year shutdown, the LHC restarted proton-proton collisions in 2015 with an increase in center-of-mass energy to 13 TeV.  I will describe some of the techniques used to search for new physics at the LHC along with some early results from the first year of running. 1080 Physics Research Building - Smith Seminar Room America/New_York public

Abstract: After a two year shutdown, the LHC restarted proton-proton collisions in 2015 with an increase in center-of-mass energy to 13 TeV.  I will describe some of the techniques used to search for new physics at the LHC along with some early results from the first year of running.