Quantum Matter Seminar - Rajdeep Sensarma (Tata Institute of Fundamental Reserach, Mumbai) - Memories of Initial State of Dynamics of Many Body Localized Systems

Rajdeep Sensarma (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai) 3/21/19 CME seminar speaker
March 21, 2019
11:30AM - 12:30PM
1080 Physics Research Building - Smith Seminar Room

Date Range
2019-03-21 11:30:00 2019-03-21 12:30:00 Quantum Matter Seminar - Rajdeep Sensarma (Tata Institute of Fundamental Reserach, Mumbai) - Memories of Initial State of Dynamics of Many Body Localized Systems Strongly disordered interacting systems cannot act as a thermal bath for a subsystem, a phenomenon called many body localization.  At long times, the system still remembers the initial state it started from, leading to a breakdown of applicability of equilibrium statistical mechanics. This memory of initial states has been measured in recent experiments in ultracold atomic systems. We develop a new field theoretic description which can describe non-equilibrium dynamics of many body systems starting from arbitrary initial conditions. We use this to derive exact answers for the experimental observables in the non-interacting system. In the interacting systems, we show that the bath generated during the dynamics remembers the initial condition, leading to a finite memory in these systems. 1080 Physics Research Building - Smith Seminar Room America/New_York public

Strongly disordered interacting systems cannot act as a thermal bath for a subsystem, a phenomenon called many body localization.  At long times, the system still remembers the initial state it started from, leading to a breakdown of applicability of equilibrium statistical mechanics. This memory of initial states has been measured in recent experiments in ultracold atomic systems. We develop a new field theoretic description which can describe non-equilibrium dynamics of many body systems starting from arbitrary initial conditions. We use this to derive exact answers for the experimental observables in the non-interacting system. In the interacting systems, we show that the bath generated during the dynamics remembers the initial condition, leading to a finite memory in these systems.