Quantum Matter Seminar - Qi Zhou (Purdue University) - A Hyperbolic Geometry Underlying Quantum Dynamics

Qi Zhou (Purdue University) 4/5/21 Quantum Matters seminar speaker
April 5, 2021
11:00AM - 12:00PM
Zoom webinar

Date Range
2021-04-05 11:00:00 2021-04-05 12:00:00 Quantum Matter Seminar - Qi Zhou (Purdue University) - A Hyperbolic Geometry Underlying Quantum Dynamics Disturbing quantum systems by changing either interactions or external potentials often leads to intriguing non-equilibrium quantum phenomena. Whereas some of these quantum non-equilibrium dynamics have been well understood and some others remain mysterious to physicists, in this talk, I will discuss an underlying hyperbolic geometry governing a wide range of quantum dynamics.  On the one hand, this framework establishes a geometric interpretation for prototypical quantum dynamical phenomena, such as the dynamical instability or the parametric amplification,  and offers natural solutions to some mysteries about breathers of Bose-Einstein condensates. On the other hand, it delivers a new tool to control quantum systems using SU(1,1) echoes, which could reverse quantum many-body dynamics and provide a new type of quantum-enhanced sensing.  Link to talk: https://osu.zoom.us/rec/share/ibVfnzpLQWfDF-e9sMW7Y2ARJeeX4HAbNfWOGE7_TbvVV5ya19tg0w3JAw34eWRg.gt0CVYfmdoJUHmF_ Zoom webinar America/New_York public

Disturbing quantum systems by changing either interactions or external potentials often leads to intriguing non-equilibrium quantum phenomena. Whereas some of these quantum non-equilibrium dynamics have been well understood and some others remain mysterious to physicists, in this talk, I will discuss an underlying hyperbolic geometry governing a wide range of quantum dynamics.  On the one hand, this framework establishes a geometric interpretation for prototypical quantum dynamical phenomena, such as the dynamical instability or the parametric amplification,  and offers natural solutions to some mysteries about breathers of Bose-Einstein condensates. On the other hand, it delivers a new tool to control quantum systems using SU(1,1) echoes, which could reverse quantum many-body dynamics and provide a new type of quantum-enhanced sensing. 

Link to talk:
