Quantum Matter Seminar- Gil Refael (Cal Tech)- From new materials to new devices: TBG phaser and drive-controlled anomalous hall effect

Photo of Gil with blue sky behind him
February 26, 2024
10:00AM - 11:30AM
1080 Physics Research Building

Date Range
2024-02-26 10:00:00 2024-02-26 11:30:00 Quantum Matter Seminar- Gil Refael (Cal Tech)- From new materials to new devices: TBG phaser and drive-controlled anomalous hall effect Professor Gil RefaelCalifornia Institute of TechnologyFrom new materials to new devices: TBG phaser and drive-controlled anomalous hall effectLocation: 1080 Physics Research BuildingFaculty Host: Brian Skinner 1080 Physics Research Building America/New_York public

Professor Gil Refael

California Institute of Technology

From new materials to new devices: TBG phaser and drive-controlled anomalous hall effect

Location: 1080 Physics Research Building

Faculty Host: Brian Skinner

Photo of Gil with blue sky behind him

Abstract: During the last decade, several new classes of materials were discovered. Starting with the discovery of topological insulators, through Weyl semimetals, and finally, Moire materials, and particular Moire bilayer graphene. 

These materials are fascinating for the new paradigms of electronic behavior they exhibit particularly at low temperatures. In my talk, however, I would like to take an orthogonal viewpoint, and ask: what are these materials good for?  What technological opportunities do these materials offer? Concentrating on Moire bilayer graphene, I will show how a Terahertz drive could control the material's Hall response , and second, how the same material can form the gain medium of  a Terahertz phonon laser.