We consider causal higher order theories of relativistic viscous hydrodynamics in the limit of one-dimensional boost-invariant expansion and study the associated dynamical attractor. We obtain evolution equations for the inverse Reynolds number as a function of Knudsen number. The solutions of these equations exhibit attractor behavior which we analyze in terms of Lyapunov exponents using several different techniques. For three different choices of the time dependence of the shear relaxation rate we find analytical solutions for the energy density and shear stress and use these to study the attractors analytically at both small and large Knudsen numbers. While for small Knudsen numbers the approach to the attractor is exponential, strong power-law decay of deviations from the attractor and rapid loss of initial state memory are found even for large Knudsen numbers. Implications for the applicability of hydrodynamics in far-off-equilibrium situations are discussed.