Dynamical properties of a system near the critical point are sensitive to the critical correlation length. Understanding critical dynamics is crucial for searching for QCD critical point in heavy-ion collision program and will also shed light on other critical systems. I report recent theoretical developments on studying dynamical properties of QCD matter in the vicinity of the critical point. In particular, I will discuss the real time evolution of critical fluctuations in QCD critical regime and possible non-equilibrium universality associated with such evolution. I will also report the influence of enhanced bulk viscous pressure near the critical point on flow observables. Finally, I will speculate the dependence of the heavy quark diffusion constant on the critical correlation length.
Nuclear Physics Seminar - Yi Yin (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Critical Dynamics and Search for QCD Critical Point
March 28, 2016
1080 Physics Research Building - Smith Seminar Room
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2016-03-28 12:30:00
2016-03-28 13:30:00
Nuclear Physics Seminar - Yi Yin (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Critical Dynamics and Search for QCD Critical Point
Dynamical properties of a system near the critical point are sensitive to the critical correlation length. Understanding critical dynamics is crucial for searching for QCD critical point in heavy-ion collision program and will also shed light on other critical systems. I report recent theoretical developments on studying dynamical properties of QCD matter in the vicinity of the critical point. In particular, I will discuss the real time evolution of critical fluctuations in QCD critical regime and possible non-equilibrium universality associated with such evolution. I will also report the influence of enhanced bulk viscous pressure near the critical point on flow observables. Finally, I will speculate the dependence of the heavy quark diffusion constant on the critical correlation length.
1080 Physics Research Building - Smith Seminar Room
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2016-03-28 13:30:00
2016-03-28 14:30:00
Nuclear Physics Seminar - Yi Yin (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Critical Dynamics and Search for QCD Critical Point
Dynamical properties of a system near the critical point are sensitive to the critical correlation length. Understanding critical dynamics is crucial for searching for QCD critical point in heavy-ion collision program and will also shed light on other critical systems. I report recent theoretical developments on studying dynamical properties of QCD matter in the vicinity of the critical point. In particular, I will discuss the real time evolution of critical fluctuations in QCD critical regime and possible non-equilibrium universality associated with such evolution. I will also report the influence of enhanced bulk viscous pressure near the critical point on flow observables. Finally, I will speculate the dependence of the heavy quark diffusion constant on the critical correlation length.
1080 Physics Research Building - Smith Seminar Room