March 29, 2018
4138 Physics Research Building
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2018-03-29 12:30:00
2018-03-29 13:30:00
Nuclear Physics Seminar - Volker Koch(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Correlations, Fluctuations and the QCD Phase Diagram
I will discuss the present understanding of how measurements of fluctuations and correlations can help us to explore the QCD phase diagram. To this end I will discuss the preliminary STAR data from the RHIC beam energy scan and will point out additional measurements which may help us constrain the present data and their interpretation.
4138 Physics Research Building
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2018-03-29 13:30:00
2018-03-29 14:30:00
Nuclear Physics Seminar - Volker Koch(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Correlations, Fluctuations and the QCD Phase Diagram
I will discuss the present understanding of how measurements of fluctuations and correlations can help us to explore the QCD phase diagram. To this end I will discuss the preliminary STAR data from the RHIC beam energy scan and will point out additional measurements which may help us constrain the present data and their interpretation.
4138 Physics Research Building
I will discuss the present understanding of how measurements of fluctuations and correlations can help us to explore the QCD phase diagram. To this end I will discuss the preliminary STAR data from the RHIC beam energy scan and will point out additional measurements which may help us constrain the present data and their interpretation.