Dr. Giovanni Chirilli
University of Regensburg, Germany
High-Energy Behavior of Quark Non-Local Operators: Implications for Lattice Calculations and Resummation Dynamics
Location: 2128 Physics Research Building
Faculty Host: Yuri Kovchegov
Abstract: Pseudo and quasi-PDFs are key tools that allow us to compute parton distribution functions (PDFs) directly on the lattice, giving us a deeper look into the inner structure of hadrons. However, using the lattice to make these calculations has its challenges. To get the Bjorken-x dependence from the bi-local operator, one needs to know the behavior of these operators for large values of the Ioffe-time parameter. Lattice calculation, on the other hand, can provide values only for finite values of this parameter.
I will describe the method to obtain such behavior by resumming the necessary logarithms, thereby providing a way to enhance the accuracy and reliability of lattice-derived PDFs.'