March 27, 2019
4138 Physics Research Building
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2019-03-27 14:00:00
2019-03-27 15:00:00
Nuclear Physics Seminar - Dean Lee (Michigan State University) - "Lattice Simulations of Nuclear Structure and Thermodynamics"
At the beginning of the seminar, I introduce lattice effective field theory and how it can be used to study nuclear few- and many-body systems. I then describe several recent developments. The first addresses the question, what are the minimal elements of the nuclear force needed to produce the correct bulk properties of nuclei? The second is the development of first principles simulations of the liquid-gas transition in nuclear matter. If there is time remaining, I discuss several other developments in progress.
4138 Physics Research Building
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2019-03-27 15:00:00
2019-03-27 16:00:00
Nuclear Physics Seminar - Dean Lee (Michigan State University) - "Lattice Simulations of Nuclear Structure and Thermodynamics"
At the beginning of the seminar, I introduce lattice effective field theory and how it can be used to study nuclear few- and many-body systems. I then describe several recent developments. The first addresses the question, what are the minimal elements of the nuclear force needed to produce the correct bulk properties of nuclei? The second is the development of first principles simulations of the liquid-gas transition in nuclear matter. If there is time remaining, I discuss several other developments in progress.
4138 Physics Research Building
At the beginning of the seminar, I introduce lattice effective field theory and how it can be used to study nuclear few- and many-body systems. I then describe several recent developments. The first addresses the question, what are the minimal elements of the nuclear force needed to produce the correct bulk properties of nuclei? The second is the development of first principles simulations of the liquid-gas transition in nuclear matter. If there is time remaining, I discuss several other developments in progress.