Dr. Cynthia Nunez
University of Michigan
Hadronization studies at LHCb: jets and polarization
Location: 4138 Physics Research Building
Host: Dr. Maria Stefaniak
Abstract: The Large Hadron Collider beauty (LHCb) experiment provides an opportunity to study hadronization processes, how particular hadrons are formed from scattered quarks and gluons (partons), in the forward region. Going beyond traditional collinear non-perturbative fragmentation functions (FFs), transverse-momentum-dependent (TMD) FFs provide multidimensional information on the hadronization process. The excellent hadron identification capabilities of LHCb allow for a wealth of possible hadronization measurements. Results and prospective measurements related to TMD jet FF, Λ and anti-Λ polarization in heavy-ion pPb and fixed-target pNe data, and Λ+c polarization in pp and fixed-target pA will be discussed.