Dr. Charlotte Elster
Ohio University, Athens
Ab Initio Effective Potentials for Proton-Nucleus Elastic Scattering
Location: 4138 Physics Research Building
Faculty Host: Yuri Kovchegov
Abstract: The calculation and derivation of microscopic optical potentials for calculating scattering observables for elastic scattering from spin-zero nuclei has a long tradition. So-called microscopic ‘full-folding’ models based on a nuclear density matrix and a fully-off-shell two-nucleon t-matrix have been developed mainly for closed shell nuclei heavier than Oxygen-16 in the 1990s. With the advent of ab initio structure calculations in the NoCore-Shell Model (NCSM) for light nuclei, nonlocal as well as translationally invariant one-body densities can be constructed and employed in calculations of effective interactions in proton-nucleus scattering.
This talk will explain multiple scattering approach to proton-nucleus scattering and show how the first order term can be obtained using a nucleon-nucleon interaction consistently. Calculations for proton and neutron scattering from Helium-4 to Oxygen-16 in the energy regime between 100 and 200 MeV laboratory projectile energy based on different chiral interactions will be shown and discussed to give an overview of present successes as well as issues to be addressed in the future.