We extend the analysis of a Pati-Salam subcritical hybrid F-term inflation model, proposed by B. Charles Bryant and Stuart Raby, by studying the reheating and the baryogenesis (via leptogenesis) of the model. This SUSY GUT model is able to fit low energy electroweak precision data, LHC data, b-physics data, in addition to inflation observables such as the tensor-to-scalar ratio and the scalar spectral index. The reheating mechanism of this model is instant preheating due to the bosonic and fermionic broad parametric resonance, while the baryon-to-entropy ratio is obtained from the CP asymmetric right-handed (s)neutrinos decay. The phases in the neutrino Yukawa matrix are fixed by fitting to the low energy observables. With these phases, the heaviest right-handed (s)neutrinos decay to produce a lepton asymmetry with the correct sign, while the two lighter right-handed (s)neutrinos decay to produce the wrong sign. Consequently, the baryogenesis analysis is necessarily performed by including all three families of the right-handed (s)neutrinos.