September 26, 2016
4138 Physics Research Building
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2016-09-26 15:00:00
2016-09-26 16:00:00
High Energy Physics Seminar - Seodong Shin (Indiana University) "Phenomenology of Vectorlike Lepton with Extended Higgs Sector"
I will discuss the search of vectorlike leptons mixing with a SM lepton at the LHC categorized by their production mechanisms through Drell-Yan processes (gauge interaction) and Higgs decays (Yukawa interaction). In particular I will focus on the signal of heavy Higgs cascade decays, for example in two Higgs doublet model augmented by vectorlike leptons.
4138 Physics Research Building
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2016-09-26 15:00:00
2016-09-26 16:00:00
High Energy Physics Seminar - Seodong Shin (Indiana University) "Phenomenology of Vectorlike Lepton with Extended Higgs Sector"
I will discuss the search of vectorlike leptons mixing with a SM lepton at the LHC categorized by their production mechanisms through Drell-Yan processes (gauge interaction) and Higgs decays (Yukawa interaction). In particular I will focus on the signal of heavy Higgs cascade decays, for example in two Higgs doublet model augmented by vectorlike leptons.
4138 Physics Research Building
I will discuss the search of vectorlike leptons mixing with a SM lepton at the LHC categorized by their production mechanisms through Drell-Yan processes (gauge interaction) and Higgs decays (Yukawa interaction). In particular I will focus on the signal of heavy Higgs cascade decays, for example in two Higgs doublet model augmented by vectorlike leptons.