The angular distributions of $W+V^0$ production posses a feature known as the Radiation Amplitude Zero (RAZ). For $V^0 = \gamma$, at the RAZ the differential cross section is between 2 and 4 orders of magnitude smaller than in the other angular regions. This makes the W$\gamma$ RAZ an interesting low-background corner to search for new physics. For $V^0 = Z$, the RAZ is mostly populated by the longitudinal components of the vector bosons. This makes the WZ RAZ an interesting window to probe higher dimensional operators that involve the longitudinal components of the vector bosons and that posses the interesting growing-with-energy feature. In this talk, we explore the impact of higher-dimensional operators and a model with Quirks on the RAZ in $W+V^0$ production.
High Energy Physics Seminar - Rodolfo Capdevilla (Notre Dame University) Probing New Physics Effects on Radiation Amplitude Zero at the LNC- CANCELLED
October 29, 2018
4138 Physics Research Building
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2018-10-29 14:30:00
2018-10-29 15:30:00
High Energy Physics Seminar - Rodolfo Capdevilla (Notre Dame University) Probing New Physics Effects on Radiation Amplitude Zero at the LNC- CANCELLED
The angular distributions of $W+V^0$ production posses a feature known as the Radiation Amplitude Zero (RAZ). For $V^0 = \gamma$, at the RAZ the differential cross section is between 2 and 4 orders of magnitude smaller than in the other angular regions. This makes the W$\gamma$ RAZ an interesting low-background corner to search for new physics. For $V^0 = Z$, the RAZ is mostly populated by the longitudinal components of the vector bosons. This makes the WZ RAZ an interesting window to probe higher dimensional operators that involve the longitudinal components of the vector bosons and that posses the interesting growing-with-energy feature. In this talk, we explore the impact of higher-dimensional operators and a model with Quirks on the RAZ in $W+V^0$ production.
4138 Physics Research Building
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2018-10-29 15:30:00
2018-10-29 16:30:00
High Energy Physics Seminar - Rodolfo Capdevilla (Notre Dame University) Probing New Physics Effects on Radiation Amplitude Zero at the LNC- CANCELLED
The angular distributions of $W+V^0$ production posses a feature known as the Radiation Amplitude Zero (RAZ). For $V^0 = \gamma$, at the RAZ the differential cross section is between 2 and 4 orders of magnitude smaller than in the other angular regions. This makes the W$\gamma$ RAZ an interesting low-background corner to search for new physics. For $V^0 = Z$, the RAZ is mostly populated by the longitudinal components of the vector bosons. This makes the WZ RAZ an interesting window to probe higher dimensional operators that involve the longitudinal components of the vector bosons and that posses the interesting growing-with-energy feature. In this talk, we explore the impact of higher-dimensional operators and a model with Quirks on the RAZ in $W+V^0$ production.
4138 Physics Research Building