November 4, 2019
4138 Physics Research Building
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2019-11-04 15:30:00
2019-11-04 16:30:00
High Energy Physics Seminar - Peter Denton(Brookahaven National Lab) - "Recent Results in Neutrino Oscillation Theory"
Expressing neutrino oscillation probabilities in matter can be done either approximately with very good precision, or exactly with complicated expressions. Exact solutions require solving for the eigenvalues and, in turn, the eigenvectors. While there is no shortcut for the exact expressions for the eigenvalues, given those the eigenvectors can be determined in a straightforward fashion. Finally, I will show that while CPV in matter appears to extremely complicated, it is much simpler than expected both exactly and after approximations.
4138 Physics Research Building
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2019-11-04 15:30:00
2019-11-04 16:30:00
High Energy Physics Seminar - Peter Denton(Brookahaven National Lab) - "Recent Results in Neutrino Oscillation Theory"
Expressing neutrino oscillation probabilities in matter can be done either approximately with very good precision, or exactly with complicated expressions. Exact solutions require solving for the eigenvalues and, in turn, the eigenvectors. While there is no shortcut for the exact expressions for the eigenvalues, given those the eigenvectors can be determined in a straightforward fashion. Finally, I will show that while CPV in matter appears to extremely complicated, it is much simpler than expected both exactly and after approximations.
4138 Physics Research Building
Expressing neutrino oscillation probabilities in matter can be done either approximately with very good precision, or exactly with complicated expressions. Exact solutions require solving for the eigenvalues and, in turn, the eigenvectors. While there is no shortcut for the exact expressions for the eigenvalues, given those the eigenvectors can be determined in a straightforward fashion. Finally, I will show that while CPV in matter appears to extremely complicated, it is much simpler than expected both exactly and after approximations.