Dr. Marcel Hughes
The Ohio State University Department of Physics
Insights into black hole microstates from AdS3 holography
Location: 4138 Physics Research Building
Abstract: The fuzzball proposal aims at a unitary resolution within string theory to the information paradox. As a part of this drive to understand black holes at microscopic scales, families of smooth and horizon-less microstate geometries have been explicitly constructed for the Strominger-Vafa black hole. Via the AdS3/CFT2 correspondence, it is also possible to study this black hole using techniques of 2d conformal field theory, wherein its microstates correspond to heavy pure states in the CFT. I will review the connection between the bulk eikonal and Regge limit CFT data of certain non-protected multi-trace operators exchanged in heavy-heavy-light-light correlation functions, and discuss explicit examples computed in particular microstate geometries.