HEP Seminar- Emil Martinec (Univ. of Chicago)- Fivebrane Stars

Outside of the PRB with sun shining and students walking past.
March 13, 2024
3:00PM - 4:00PM
1136 Physics Research Building

Date Range
2024-03-13 15:00:00 2024-03-13 16:00:00 HEP Seminar- Emil Martinec (Univ. of Chicago)- Fivebrane Stars Dr. Emil MartinecUniversity of ChicagoFivebrane StarsLocation: 1136 Physics Research Building Abstract: We revisit a construction due to Lunin and Mathur of 1/2-BPS solutions of string theory involving fivebranes, which are the magnetic duals of fundamental strings; and interpret the generic solution as describing a “fivebrane star”. The effective field theory governing these objects provides insights into gravitational collapse and black hole formation. 1136 Physics Research Building America/New_York public

Dr. Emil Martinec

University of Chicago

Fivebrane Stars

Location: 1136 Physics Research Building


Abstract: We revisit a construction due to Lunin and Mathur of 1/2-BPS solutions of string theory involving fivebranes, which are the magnetic duals of fundamental strings; and interpret the generic solution as describing a “fivebrane star”. The effective field theory governing these objects provides insights into gravitational collapse and black hole formation.