March 13, 2024
1136 Physics Research Building
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2024-03-13 14:00:00
2024-03-13 15:00:00
HEP Seminar- Emil Martinec (Univ. of Chicago)- Fivebrane Stars
Dr. Emil MartinecUniversity of ChicagoFivebrane StarsLocation: 1136 Physics Research Building Abstract: We revisit a construction due to Lunin and Mathur of 1/2-BPS solutions of string theory involving fivebranes, which are the magnetic duals of fundamental strings; and interpret the generic solution as describing a “fivebrane star”. The effective field theory governing these objects provides insights into gravitational collapse and black hole formation.
1136 Physics Research Building
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2024-03-13 15:00:00
2024-03-13 16:00:00
HEP Seminar- Emil Martinec (Univ. of Chicago)- Fivebrane Stars
Dr. Emil MartinecUniversity of ChicagoFivebrane StarsLocation: 1136 Physics Research Building Abstract: We revisit a construction due to Lunin and Mathur of 1/2-BPS solutions of string theory involving fivebranes, which are the magnetic duals of fundamental strings; and interpret the generic solution as describing a “fivebrane star”. The effective field theory governing these objects provides insights into gravitational collapse and black hole formation.
1136 Physics Research Building
Dr. Emil Martinec
University of Chicago
Fivebrane Stars
Location: 1136 Physics Research Building
Abstract: We revisit a construction due to Lunin and Mathur of 1/2-BPS solutions of string theory involving fivebranes, which are the magnetic duals of fundamental strings; and interpret the generic solution as describing a “fivebrane star”. The effective field theory governing these objects provides insights into gravitational collapse and black hole formation.