April 17, 2024
4138 Physics Research Building
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2024-04-17 14:00:00
2024-04-17 15:00:00
HEP Seminar- Christoph Keller (Arizona Univ.)- Rational 2d Conformal Field Theories on K3 manifolds
Dr. Christoph KellerArizona UniversityRational 2d Conformal Field Theories on K3 manifoldsLocation: 4138 Physics Research Building Abstract: Conformal Field Theories (CFTs) have many more symmetries in two dimensions than in higher dimensions. If they have enough symmetries, they become rational, meaning they can be solved completely by algebraic means. Here I will talk about CFTs coming from Calabi-Yau manifolds. The question I want to discuss is: Are rational CFTs dense in the moduli space of such manifolds? Although I won't be able to answer this question, I will describe how conformal perturbation theory can be used to address it. To this end I will present a toy computation for the K3 manifold.
4138 Physics Research Building
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2024-04-17 15:00:00
2024-04-17 16:00:00
HEP Seminar- Christoph Keller (Arizona Univ.)- Rational 2d Conformal Field Theories on K3 manifolds
Dr. Christoph KellerArizona UniversityRational 2d Conformal Field Theories on K3 manifoldsLocation: 4138 Physics Research Building Abstract: Conformal Field Theories (CFTs) have many more symmetries in two dimensions than in higher dimensions. If they have enough symmetries, they become rational, meaning they can be solved completely by algebraic means. Here I will talk about CFTs coming from Calabi-Yau manifolds. The question I want to discuss is: Are rational CFTs dense in the moduli space of such manifolds? Although I won't be able to answer this question, I will describe how conformal perturbation theory can be used to address it. To this end I will present a toy computation for the K3 manifold.
4138 Physics Research Building
Dr. Christoph Keller
Arizona University
Rational 2d Conformal Field Theories on K3 manifolds
Location: 4138 Physics Research Building
Abstract: Conformal Field Theories (CFTs) have many more symmetries in two dimensions than in higher dimensions. If they have enough symmetries, they become rational, meaning they can be solved completely by algebraic means. Here I will talk about CFTs coming from Calabi-Yau manifolds. The question I want to discuss is: Are rational CFTs dense in the moduli space of such manifolds? Although I won't be able to answer this question, I will describe how conformal perturbation theory can be used to address it. To this end I will present a toy computation for the K3 manifold.