HEP Seminar- Carton Zeng (OSU)- Evolution and properties of self-interacting dark matter subhalos

Headshot of Carton Zeng with white background
March 6, 2024
3:00PM - 4:00PM
1136 Physics Research Building

Date Range
2024-03-06 15:00:00 2024-03-06 16:00:00 HEP Seminar- Carton Zeng (OSU)- Evolution and properties of self-interacting dark matter subhalos Carton ZengOhio State University, CCAPPEvolution and properties of self-interacting dark matter subhalosLocation: 1136 Physics Research Building 1136 Physics Research Building America/New_York public

Carton Zeng

Ohio State University, CCAPP

Evolution and properties of self-interacting dark matter subhalos

Location: 1136 Physics Research Building

Headshot of Carton Zeng with white background

Abstract: Self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) has gained recent attention as a plausible candidate for dark matter, especially in using its unique two-phase evolution in dark halos (core and core-collapse) to solve the diversity problem in rotation curves of dwarf galaxies. However, SIDM simulation in a (semi-)cosmological context can be very expensive, especially in the scenario of possible core-collapse. In this talk, I will present a hybrid method (semi-analytical + N-body) and framework that studies the evolution of SIDM subhalos at low cost and discuss the interplay of different physical processes that drive the evolution of subhalos. I will show the simulation results (and potential observability) of the predicted fraction of core-collapsed subhalos given multiple different velocity-dependent SIDM models, how it could be reflected in subhalo properties and early results of substructure lensing statistics.