Dr. Brent Yates
Ohio State University, Department of Physics
Using top quarks to probe nature’s secrets
Location: 1136 Physics Research Building

Abstract: Could signs of new physics already be hiding in the LHC data? The framework of effective field theory (EFT) allows for a theory agnostic search of physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) by treating the SM as the lowest order in a perturbative expansion. The top quark is of particular interest, as it is the most massive SM particle. Simulations are made at the detector level for associated top quark production: ttH, ttll, ttlnu, tllq, tHq, and tttt. The simulations are parameterized by 26 dimension-six Wilson coefficients (WCs) sensitive to associated top quark production resulting in multi-lepton final states. Data collected by the CMS experiment from 2016-2018 are used to simultaneous fit all 26 WCs and extract 68 and 95% confidence intervals.