March 20, 2024
4138 Physics Research Building
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2024-03-20 14:00:00
2024-03-20 15:00:00
HEP Seminar- Adam Martin (Notre Dame University)- Precision SMEFT with geoSMEFT
Dr. Adam MartinNotre Dame UniversityPrecision SMEFT with geoSMEFTLocation: 4138 Physics Research Building Abstract: In this talk I'll describe how and why to do calculations in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) out to higher orders in 1/\Lambda, where \Lambda is the scale suppressing higher dimensional operators. The key tool to performing these calculations is a reorganization of the SMEFT known as the geometric SMEFT, or geoSMEFT. Using calculations to O(1/\Lambda^4), I'll show circumstances where it is safe to ignore higher order effects and highlight scenarios where higher order terms are crucial to correctly interpreting deviations from the Standard Model.
4138 Physics Research Building
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2024-03-20 15:00:00
2024-03-20 16:00:00
HEP Seminar- Adam Martin (Notre Dame University)- Precision SMEFT with geoSMEFT
Dr. Adam MartinNotre Dame UniversityPrecision SMEFT with geoSMEFTLocation: 4138 Physics Research Building Abstract: In this talk I'll describe how and why to do calculations in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) out to higher orders in 1/\Lambda, where \Lambda is the scale suppressing higher dimensional operators. The key tool to performing these calculations is a reorganization of the SMEFT known as the geometric SMEFT, or geoSMEFT. Using calculations to O(1/\Lambda^4), I'll show circumstances where it is safe to ignore higher order effects and highlight scenarios where higher order terms are crucial to correctly interpreting deviations from the Standard Model.
4138 Physics Research Building
Dr. Adam Martin
Notre Dame University
Precision SMEFT with geoSMEFT
Location: 4138 Physics Research Building
Abstract: In this talk I'll describe how and why to do calculations in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) out to higher orders in 1/\Lambda, where \Lambda is the scale suppressing higher dimensional operators. The key tool to performing these calculations is a reorganization of the SMEFT known as the geometric SMEFT, or geoSMEFT. Using calculations to O(1/\Lambda^4), I'll show circumstances where it is safe to ignore higher order effects and highlight scenarios where higher order terms are crucial to correctly interpreting deviations from the Standard Model.