Quantum Matter Seminar - Roger Melko (University of Waterloo and Perimeter Institute, Canada) Entanglement in Higher-dimensional Critical Systems

Roger Melko (Waterloo University and Perimeter Institute, Cananda) 4/9/18 CME seminar speaker
April 9, 2018
2:30PM - 3:30PM
4138 Physics Research Building

Date Range
2018-04-09 14:30:00 2018-04-09 15:30:00 Quantum Matter Seminar - Roger Melko (University of Waterloo and Perimeter Institute, Canada) Entanglement in Higher-dimensional Critical Systems Novel universal quantities can arise in scaling terms sub-leading to the area law, in the entanglement entropy in quantum critical theories in d > 1+1. These depend crucially on the geometry of the entangled bipartition. In some cases, they are known to be related to scaling dimensions obtained from conventional npoint functions, but in some cases no clear relationships are yet known. I will survey the results that I have collected over the last several years, based partially on numerical calculations at free and interacting quantum critical points, and partially on theoretical scaling arguments for the Renyi entanglement entropies. 4138 Physics Research Building America/New_York public

Novel universal quantities can arise in scaling terms sub-leading to the area law, in the entanglement entropy in quantum critical theories in d > 1+1. These depend crucially on the geometry of the entangled bipartition. In some cases, they are known to be related to scaling dimensions obtained from conventional npoint functions, but in some cases no clear relationships are yet known. I will survey the results that I have collected over the last several years, based partially on numerical calculations at free and interacting quantum critical points, and partially on theoretical scaling arguments for the Renyi entanglement entropies.