Colloquium - Xiaoxing Xi (Temple University) - Scientific Espionage, Open Exchange, and American Competitiveness

Xiaoxing Xi (Temple University) 2/23/21 colloquium speaker
February 23, 2021
3:45PM - 4:45PM
Zoom webinar

Date Range
2021-02-23 15:45:00 2021-02-23 16:45:00 Colloquium - Xiaoxing Xi (Temple University) - Scientific Espionage, Open Exchange, and American Competitiveness Amid rapidly escalating tension between the United States and China, professors, scientists, and students of Chinese ethnic origin as well as those engaging in academic collaborations with China are under heightened scrutiny by the federal government. Law enforcement officials consider collaborating with Chinese colleagues “by definition conveying sensitive information to the Chinese.” In 2015, I became a casualty of this campaign despite being innocent. This experience gave me insights into the challenges Chinese scientists face and the immediate threat to the open environment in fundamental research. In this talk, I will urge the audience to rally around the JASON Report commissioned and endorsed by the NSF and speak up to defend Chinese colleagues against injustice, safeguard open fundamental research on university campuses, and protect American leadership in science and technology.   Link to talk: Zoom webinar America/New_York public

Amid rapidly escalating tension between the United States and China, professors, scientists, and students of Chinese ethnic origin as well as those engaging in academic collaborations with China are under heightened scrutiny by the federal government. Law enforcement officials consider collaborating with Chinese colleagues “by definition conveying sensitive information to the Chinese.” In 2015, I became a casualty of this campaign despite being innocent. This experience gave me insights into the challenges Chinese scientists face and the immediate threat to the open environment in fundamental research. In this talk, I will urge the audience to rally around the JASON Report commissioned and endorsed by the NSF and speak up to defend Chinese colleagues against injustice, safeguard open fundamental research on university campuses, and protect American leadership in science and technology.


Link to talk: