Colloquium- Umida Djakbarova (OSU)- Killing them softly: targeting cell mechanics to sensitize cancer cells to programmed cell death.

January 30, 2024
3:45PM - 4:45PM
1080 Physics Research Building

Date Range
2024-01-30 15:45:00 2024-01-30 16:45:00 Colloquium- Umida Djakbarova (OSU)- Killing them softly: targeting cell mechanics to sensitize cancer cells to programmed cell death. Dr. Umida DjakbarovaThe Ohio State UniversityKilling them softly: targeting cell mechanics to sensitize cancer cells to programmed cell deathLocation: 1080 Physics Research BuildingFaculty Host: Comert Kural 1080 Physics Research Building Department of Physics America/New_York public

Dr. Umida Djakbarova

The Ohio State University

Killing them softly: targeting cell mechanics to sensitize cancer cells to programmed cell death

Location: 1080 Physics Research Building

Faculty Host: Comert Kural

Abstract: Cancer cells are significantly softer than their healthy counterparts, enabling them to proliferate and migrate more rapidly. Our recent research demonstrates that this distinct mechanical feature also helps cancer cells evade apoptosis, i.e., programmed cell death. By increasing cell membrane tension, we can effectively impede the internalization of death receptors from the cancer cell surface, thereby increasing the strength of apoptotic signals. In light of these findings, we are now exploring the potential of manipulating cancer cell mechanics for efficient and targeted cancer therapy. 

Bio: Dr. Umida Djakbarova serves as a Research Associate in Dr. Comert Kural's group at The Ohio State University. Her research focuses on elucidating the roles of cell mechanics in cancer progression and developing novel approaches for targeted therapies. Holding an M.Sc and Ph.D. in Genetics and Bioengineering from Fatih University in Istanbul, she was awarded the Pelotonia Fellowship during her postdoctoral training, which supported her work on cell adhesion dynamics during metastatic migration. In addition to her scientific work, Dr. Djakbarova, coming from a minority background herself, is a dedicated advocate for educational equity. She actively works to improve access to education for girls in her native country, particularly those in underserved communities.