Colloquium - Tao Han (University of Pittsburgh) - Physics Motivations for Future Colliders

Tao Han - University of Pittsburgh, 2/6/18 colloquium speaker
February 6, 2018
3:45PM - 4:45PM
1080 Physics Research Building - Smith Seminar Room - reception at 3:30pm in the Atrium

Date Range
2018-02-06 15:45:00 2018-02-06 16:45:00 Colloquium - Tao Han (University of Pittsburgh) - Physics Motivations for Future Colliders With the milestone discovery of the Higgs boson at the CERN LHC, high energy physics has entered a new era. The Higgs boson is the last member in the “Standard Model” (SM) of particle physics, which describes the physical phenomena at high energies to a very high accuracy. The completion of the Standard Model implies, for the first time ever, that we have a relativistic, quantum-mechanical, self-consistent theoretical framework, valid up to exponentially high energies, perhaps to the Planck scale. Yet, there are compelling reasons, both from observations and from theoretical considerations, to believe that new physics beyond the SM is not far from our reach. I discuss the need for new physics, and motivate the future colliders beyond the LHC to explore the new territory under the “Higgs lamppost”.  1080 Physics Research Building - Smith Seminar Room - reception at 3:30pm in the Atrium Department of Physics America/New_York public

With the milestone discovery of the Higgs boson at the CERN LHC, high energy physics has entered a new era. The Higgs boson is the last member in the “Standard Model” (SM) of particle physics, which describes the physical phenomena at high energies to a very high accuracy. The completion of the Standard Model implies, for the first time ever, that we have a relativistic, quantum-mechanical, self-consistent theoretical framework, valid up to exponentially high energies, perhaps to the Planck scale. Yet, there are compelling reasons, both from observations and from theoretical considerations, to believe that new physics beyond the SM is not far from our reach. I discuss the need for new physics, and motivate the future colliders beyond the LHC to explore the new territory under the “Higgs lamppost”.