October 1, 2024
1080 Physics Research Building and Zoom
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2024-10-01 14:45:00
2024-10-01 15:45:00
Colloquium- State of the Physics Department
ColloquiumState of the Physics DepartmentLocation: 1080 Physics Research Building, and Zoom Abstract: In this inaugural State of the Department address, the chair, vice chairs, and department manager will provide an overview of the organization, activities, achievements, and current initiatives of our department. The goal of the event is to provide more insight into how the department as a whole functions to all members of the OSU Physics community. There will be plenty of time for questions. Zoom information:https://osu.zoom.us/s/91264228903 Meeting ID: 912 6422 8903Password: 834474
1080 Physics Research Building and Zoom
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2024-10-01 15:45:00
2024-10-01 16:45:00
Colloquium- State of the Physics Department
ColloquiumState of the Physics DepartmentLocation: 1080 Physics Research Building, and Zoom Abstract: In this inaugural State of the Department address, the chair, vice chairs, and department manager will provide an overview of the organization, activities, achievements, and current initiatives of our department. The goal of the event is to provide more insight into how the department as a whole functions to all members of the OSU Physics community. There will be plenty of time for questions. Zoom information:https://osu.zoom.us/s/91264228903 Meeting ID: 912 6422 8903Password: 834474
1080 Physics Research Building and Zoom
State of the Physics Department
Location: 1080 Physics Research Building, and Zoom
Abstract: In this inaugural State of the Department address, the chair, vice chairs, and department manager will provide an overview of the organization, activities, achievements, and current initiatives of our department. The goal of the event is to provide more insight into how the department as a whole functions to all members of the OSU Physics community. There will be plenty of time for questions.
Zoom information:
Meeting ID: 912 6422 8903
Password: 834474