Collective excitations in two-dimensional magnetic atomic crystals and moiré superlattices
Dr. Liuyan Zhao
University of Michigan
Virtual only
Faculty Host: Rolando Valdés Aguilar

Abstract: Two-dimensional (2D) magnetism has been long sought-after since its theoretical investigations in the 1960s–1970s. It is only very recently that 2D magnetism is realized in magnetic atomic crystals and further tailored in magnetic moiré superlattices. Due to the small sample sizes of atomic and moiré crystals, traditional diffraction-based techniques become extremely challenging, and advanced optical spectroscopy techniques turn out to be uniquely suitable for probing magnetic properties in 2D magnets – both static and dynamic ones. In this talk, we will focus on collective excitations of 2D magnetism probed by magneto-Raman spectroscopy. Using CrI3 atomic crystals as an example, we will discuss four types of collective excitations in it: phonon for lattice, magnetism-coupled phonon for static magnetic order, magnon for dynamic magnetic excitations, and polaron for phonon-dressed excitons [1-4]. Then applying such acquired knowledge into twisted double bilayer CrI3 moiré superlattices, we will reveal an unexpected net magnetization and potentially noncollinear spin textures that are absent in the layered antiferromagnetic CrI3 bilayer and four-layer films [5].
[1] Physical Review X 10, 011075 (2020)
[2] Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117, 24664 (2020)
[3] Nature Communications 11, 4780 (2020)
[4] ACS Nano 15, 10444 (2021)
[5] Nature Physics in press (2021)
More about Dr. Zhao:
Dr. Liuyan Zhao received her PhD in physics from Columbia University in 2013 and her postdoctoral training at California Institute of Technology in 2013–2016, before joining the University of Michigan in 2017. Her current research interest at Michigan focuses on studying electronic and magnetic phases in 2D and 3D quantum materials, using linear and nonlinear, static and ultrafast, elastic and inelastic optical spectroscopy and microscopy techniques. Her selected awards include NSF CAREER, AFOSR YIP, Bryan R. Coles Prize, and Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship.
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