The Growing Danger of Nuclear Weapons (and how physicists can help reduce it)
Dr. Laura Grego
Location: 1080 Physics Research Building, Smith Seminar Room
Faculty Host: Michael Lisa

Abstract: While nuclear weapons might sound like Cold War relics, in truth the immense risks they pose to all humanity are still very much with us. In fact, trends indicate the risks may be growing with the abandonment of arms control agreements and the development of new types of strategic weapons. Physicists have historically constructively engaged policymakers and their communities to help reduce nuclear dangers. This talk will explain the current nuclear crisis, provide feasible remedies, and introduce a new project sponsored by the American Physical Society to help physicists once again get involved.
The colloquium can also be seen on Zoom: https://osu.zoom.us/j/91292283159?pwd=Ryt1TUV2Z0NiZUIwWklRTE92WjZ1dz09