Looking Forward to Forward Physics
Dr. Jonathan Feng
UC Irvine
In-person in Smith Seminar Room (1080 PRB), masks required
Faculty Host: Christopher Hill

Abstract: Particle physics is at a critical juncture. All the particles of the Standard Model have been discovered, but no new ones have appeared, and there are still many outstanding questions. In recent years, it has become clear that the physics potential of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN has not been fully exploited. In particular, forward collisions, which produce particles along the beamline with enormous rates, have been almost completely ignored. It turns out that these collisions are a treasure trove of physics, containing the highest-energy neutrinos ever produced by humans, possible evidence for dark matter, milli-charged particles, and new forces, and a wealth of other valuable information. This talk will describe FASER, an experiment that has just been constructed and will begin taking data in the forward region in a few months, as well as the Forward Physics Facility, a proposal to fully realize the potential of forward physics in the High Luminosity LHC era.
Please use the Zoom link below to attend virtually:
Meeting ID: 948 5830 7115
Password: PRB1080