Colloquium - James Analytis (UC Berkeley) - Complexity & Emergence: The Challenge and Promise of the Collective Properties of Matter

James Analytis (UC Berkeley) 9/1/20 colloquium speaker
September 1, 2020
3:45PM - 4:45PM
ZOOM Webinar

Date Range
2020-09-01 15:45:00 2020-09-01 16:45:00 Colloquium - James Analytis (UC Berkeley) - Complexity & Emergence: The Challenge and Promise of the Collective Properties of Matter Interactions between electrons in condensed matter systems are always present, and every property of a material is fundamentally determined by this fact. In the most basic materials the collective behavior of the electrons can be projected into a language of emergent particles; phonons in a crystal, magnons in a ferromagnet, quasiparticles in a metal. However, in complex materials where there are multiple channels of interaction of comparable magnitude, it remains unclear what this single-particle language is or whether it exists at all. In this colloquium, I discuss some of the challenges and surprises that arise in a few classes of these systems, with a special focus on unconventional superconductors.  Zoom recording of talk:   ZOOM Webinar Department of Physics America/New_York public

Interactions between electrons in condensed matter systems are always present, and every property of a material is fundamentally determined by this fact. In the most basic materials the collective behavior of the electrons can be projected into a language of emergent particles; phonons in a crystal, magnons in a ferromagnet, quasiparticles in a metal. However, in complex materials where there are multiple channels of interaction of comparable magnitude, it remains unclear what this single-particle language is or whether it exists at all. In this colloquium, I discuss some of the challenges and surprises that arise in a few classes of these systems, with a special focus on unconventional superconductors. 

Zoom recording of talk: