Dr. Ida Zadeh
Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics (Germany)
Quantum Gravity from Conformal Field Theory
Location: 1080 Physics Research Building, Smith Seminar Room
Faculty Host: Samir Mathur & Eric Braaten

Abstract: A conformal field theory is a physical theory which is invariant under changes in its length or energy scale. It describes the physics of boiling of water or melting of ice. In this talk, Ida Zadeh will present how conformal field theory is used as a powerful tool to study quantum gravity. She will discuss how conformal field theories describe quantum properties of a family of black holes, just as quantum mechanics describes the Hydrogen atom.
Bio: Ida Zadeh is a Senior Fellow at the Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics (Germany). She obtained her PhD at the University of Toronto (Canada). Following that, she was a postdoctoral researcher at Brandeis University (USA), ETH Zürich (Switzerland), and the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (Italy).
Her research is focused on conformal field theory (CFT), quantum gravity and string theory. She studies CFTs which emerge in theories of quantum gravity to shed new light on the holographic nature of quantum gravity and on the microscopic entropy of black holes.