Professor Eric Brewe
Drexel University
Modeling Instruction, student engagement, and neurobiological impacts
Location: 1080 Physics Research Building
Faculty Host: Geraldine Cochran
Abstract: Modeling Instruction is an active learning strategy for introductory physics built on the premise that science proceeds through the iterative process of model construction, development, deployment, and revision. We describe the role that participating in modeling has in learning and then explore how students engage in this process in the classroom. We begin with a background on models and modeling and describe how these theoretical elements are enacted in the introductory university physics classroom. Recent work has been a neuroimaging study of students pre and post instruction. We describe the development of this project, the varied analyses of neuroimaging data in an educational context, and the findings. Among the findings are neurobiological changes pre to post instruction, differences in activation patterns during physics reasoning tasks, and identification of a three-part brain network that correlates with science anxiety during resting state. We conclude with a discussion of future work.
Bio: Dr. Eric Brewe is a Professor in Physics and Science Education at Drexel University and is the Associate Dean for Graduate Education. His research into the teaching and learning of physics at the university level includes developing curriculum for the Modeling Instruction course, leading inquiries into the role of Modeling Instruction in promoting student learning, participation, retention & persistence, enhanced attitudes toward science and equity. This research has led to describing the role of participation in learning using primarily quantitative measures including the use of Network Analyses, and recently applications of machine learning and natural language processing. In addition to research on post secondary physics, Dr. Brewe has been involved in preparing future physics teachers through Modeling Workshops, and as co-editor of the PhysTEC sponsored book, Recruiting and Educating Future Physics Teachers: Case Studies and Effective Practices. Dr. Brewe helped to found the American Physical Society’s Topical Group on Physics Education Research (GPER) and served as the founding Chair of GPER. He recently co-edited the Focused Collection on Gender in Physics published by Physical Review – Physics Education Research, served on the editorial board for Physical Review – PER and currently serves as Chair for the APS Forum on Education. Dr. Brewe was chosen as a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2019. Beginning in July 2023, Dr. Brewe has been an Associate Editor with Physical Review Physics Education Research .