Dr. Anil Patnaik
Department of Engineering Physics, Air Force Institute of Technology
Challenges for Building a Resilient Free-Space Quantum Network
Location: 1080 Physics Research Building, Smith Seminar Room
Faculty Host: Chris Orban

Abstract: Free-space quantum networks will enable global-scale quantum communication and distributed quantum sensing via satellite-based, drone-based quantum nodes and ground-based transceivers. While major efforts have been devoted to direct field-based experiments to setup free-space quantum network, the fidelity in terms of “useful photons” for communication remains extremely low. To enable understanding for a robust quantum network with higher fidelity while propagating through the turbulence atmosphere, we have built a laboratory based atmospheric turbulence simulator (ATS) to characterize the effects of different scales of atmospheric turbulence on a photonic qubit as a function of statistical parameters of turbulence, such as the Fried parameter and scintillation index etc. We will also discuss other quantum network component research and development that are being undertaken at AFIT.
Bio: Dr. Patnaik is an Associate Professor of Physics at AFIT. His specializations include a wide-range of topics in quantum optics and quantum information, AMO Physics to high-energy density light-matter interactions and applications. He has worked extensively on these topics leading to 50 highly cited journal publications, nine book chapters, and about 150 conference presentations and invited talks and seminars. Amongst other publications, he has authored two extensive reviews on optical sensing applications; one of them has earned a top 1% cited engineering journal paper status in web of science. Dr. Patnaik received his Ph.D. in quantum optics under supervision of Prof. G. S. Agarwal and postdoc with Prof. Marlan Scully. He has the distinction of working with the Nobel Laureate Prof. Glauber on fundamental laser-matter interactions. Dr. Patnaik held several academic, national lab and visiting positions at prestigious institutions such as Princeton University, Texas A&M, Purdue and Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany, and AFRL. Recently, Dr. Patnaik received Distinguished Teaching Professor Award at AFIT for year 2020-21. He has been actively involved with numerous professional societies such as the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the Optical Society of America, and the American Physical Society. He has also been serving as Chair and members of OSA conference organizing committees, an associate editor in Applied Optics and referee for several prestigious journals.