CMT Seminar - Vincent Sacksteder (Royal Holloway University of London) "Quantized Repetitions of the Cuprate Pseudogap Line"

Pixelated Vincent Sacksteder with white background
July 25, 2018
2:00PM - 3:00PM
2061 Physics Research Building

Date Range
2018-07-25 14:00:00 2018-07-25 15:00:00 CMT Seminar - Vincent Sacksteder (Royal Holloway University of London) "Quantized Repetitions of the Cuprate Pseudogap Line" Abstract:  The cuprate high Tc superconductors exhibit a poorly understood pseudogap transition temperature which persists far above Tc, decreases as the material composition is doped to produce hole charge carriers, and traces a line across the temperature-doping phase diagram. We report a meta-analysis of all measurements of the pseudogap temperature in two prototypical cuprates, which reveals that the best known pseudogap line is one of a family of four lines. These lines all originate from a single point near one edge of the superconducting phase, and their slopes follow a quantized mathematical pattern. The pseudogap family suggests that the cuprates host a single mother phase and that the pseudogap lines, charge density wave order, and superconductivity are all subsidiary effects supported by the mother phase.     2061 Physics Research Building Department of Physics America/New_York public


The cuprate high Tc superconductors exhibit a poorly understood pseudogap transition temperature which persists far above Tc, decreases as the material composition is doped to produce hole charge carriers, and traces a line across the temperature-doping phase diagram. We report a meta-analysis of all measurements of the pseudogap temperature in two prototypical cuprates, which reveals that the best known pseudogap line is one of a family of four lines. These lines all originate from a single point near one edge of the superconducting phase, and their slopes follow a quantized mathematical pattern. The pseudogap family suggests that the cuprates host a single mother phase and that the pseudogap lines, charge density wave order, and superconductivity are all subsidiary effects supported by the mother phase.