Physics Tutoring

Physics tutoring is available for currently enrolled students at OSU.  There are opportunities for free tutoring as well as private, paid tutoring.

Free Physics Tutoring

There are three opportunities on campus to seek free physics tutoring.

Tutoring in the Department of Physics
The Department of Physics hires junior and senior physics majors to staff the physics tutor room which is located in Smith Lab room 2097.  The tutor rooms open during the second week of the semester and remain open until final exam week. 

Tutoring at the Younkin Success Center
The Younkin Success Center offers free evening tutoring in physics, math and chemistry.  Additional information can be found on the Younkin Sucess Center website

Tutoring at the Residence Halls
Several of the residence halls on campus provide free tutoring in physics, math, and chemistry.  Additional information (including location information) can be found on the University Housing website.  Students with questions about this service can contact University Housing at 614-292-8266.


Private (paid) Physics Tutoring

Several graduate students in the Department of Physics are available for physics tutoring.  The list of available tutors can be found on the Physics Graduate Student Council website.  Questions about this service can be directed to the Physics Graduate Student Council at