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Symmetry Magazine discusses HEP research in small colleges through affiliation with big universities

November 9, 2022

Symmetry Magazine discusses HEP research in small colleges through affiliation with big universities

Suyog S.

Symmetry Magazine (a joint FermiLab/SLAC publication) recently wrote about HEP research in small colleges through affiliation with big universities. Washington College and OSU are mentioned in this article which highlights Prof. Suyog Shrestha's work. He was recently made an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at OSU. 

Read More:  https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.symmetrymagazine.org/article/physicists-work-to-bring-more-undergrads-into-research__;!!KGKeukY!1xOS592AaQPZyWkYborZZpRpxSU18IbsY0217kpdATbJ9A2Es67tP3vB-yNhXfXuvKk7Hl2b74hD9IohLeHKq2I$ 

Previously, he was highlighted in a 2020 Symmetry Magazine in an article entitled Sharing CERN with Nepal (https://www.symmetrymagazine.org/article/sharing-cern-with-nepal) creating a framework for long-term knowledge exchange between the two parties; and establishment of a supercomputer at Kathmandu University. While an ATLAS Postdoc he won the 2021 Physics Mentor Award.