Quanta Magazine: The Sun is Stranger Than Astrophysicists Imagined

Quanta Magazine, a leading source for science journalism, has profiled the work of an Ohio State group on the high-energy gamma-ray emission of the Sun. This group, led by faculty Annika Peter and John Beacom, includes several present and former Ohio State graduate students, postdocs, and visitors. Using data from the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, the group has shown that the Sun emits vastly more gamma rays than expected, and with surprising spectra, time variation, and surface distribution. Peter says, “It’s definitely the most surprising thing I’ve ever worked on.” The emission is brightest during solar minimum, which we are in now, so exciting new results are coming. See the article at https://www.quantamagazine.org/gamma-ray-data-reveal-surprises-about-the-sun-20190501/. Quanta Magazine is published by the Simons Foundation.