April 24, 2023
Professor Rolando Valdés Aguilar wins Undergraduate Teaching Award

Professor Rolando Valdés Aguilar was surprised on Friday April 21 during the Physics Undergraduate Awards Ceremony when Professor Tom Humanic, Vice-Chair for Undergraduate Studies, announced to the audience that Dr. Valdés Aguilar won the 2023 Physics Undergraduate Teaching Award. This award is given annually and is voted on by undergraduate physics and engineering physics majors.
This year Professor Valdés Aguilar taught Physics 5500 (autumn 2022) and Physics 5501 (spring 2023) which are Intermediate Quantum Mechanics I & II. Congratulations, Prof. Valdés Aguilar!
Pictured below are Dr. Valdés Aguilar and one of his undergraduate researchers, Alex Giovannone, who also received an award on Friday.