Professor Jeanie Lau Invited to Speak at APS March CSWP Special Session

February 21, 2024

Professor Jeanie Lau Invited to Speak at APS March CSWP Special Session

Photo of Jeanie Lau speaking with beige wall in background

The American Physical Society (APS) Committee on the Status of Women in Physics has invited OSU Professor, Jeanie Lau, to speak at the March Meeting in Minneapolis, MN.


The CSWP runs special sessions at both the APS March meeting and the APS April meeting.  This year, the topic that the CSWP has selected for these sessions is: "Breaking Barriers in Physics".


CSWP is bringing in speakers who can highlight contributions of women to fields of physics or physics/science more broadly.  This is not meant to focus on the well-known historical figures, but rather an opportunity to recognize people who may have been overlooked and those who are making important and exceptional contributions today.  


Each meeting is aiming to have knowledgeable speakers in the physics fields that are highly represented at the meeting, with all invited talks (roughly 30 min), and perhaps some panel discussion if time permits.


This special session will be on Wednesday, March 6th, from 8:00- 11:00 AM at the APS March Meeting in Minneapolis.


If you are interested in attending the APS March meeting and haven't registered yet, you can do so at this link.