October 27, 2011
Professor Chris Hill appointed Deputy Physics Coordinator of the CMS physics program

Congratulations to Associate Professor Christopher Hill who was recently appointed Deputy Physics Coordinator of the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) physics program along with Luca Malgeri from CERN for 2012-2014. Their responsibilities will include:
- Producing physics papers (searches/discovery of Higgs, SUSY, Exotica; top physics, bottom physics, QCD, electroweak measurements, diffractive and other forward physics, heavy ion collisions).
- Ensuring that the data taken is well understood and the CMS physics detector is used to the best of its ability to analyze the data.
- Ensuring these papers are produced promptly and of high scientific quality
- Interacting with other aspects of the experiment (Operations, Computing, Offline, Trigger) to make sure these projects are carried out to meet the goals of the physics program.
- Assigning priorities relative to the resources of the experiment (e.g. trigger bandwidth) to maximize most important aspects of the physics program (e.g. Higgs search)
- Advising spokesperson on decisions related to physics analysis of CMS data
- Interacting with theoretical physics community and media to assist in correctly understanding CMS results